Saturday, May 31, 2014

BREAKING NEWS...from CNN's Wolfie

CNN's Wolfie Blitzer has just "soiled his britches" on air while announcing that Gen. Eric Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, has resigned.

Shinseki refused several times to grant an interview with CNN during the run-up to his resignation and it made Wolfie madder than a wet hen.  He wildly and often stated as much.

CNN has taken a strange and irritating approach to all of this and it really grates on people's nerves.  But then, they carry issues to the extreme on many occasions.  In news jargon, it would be referred to as "getting ahead, on top, and out in front of the story." They beat it to death until their coverage becomes more important than story itself.

Most Americans - including many political leaders - didn't believe Shinseki needed to go.  They wanted those in lower levels to not only be fired, but face criminal actions.  They are the ones who have been dealing in lies and cover ups for years and years.

But not Wolfie. 

He's still cranky about being snubbed by that darn Shinseki.

Friday, May 30, 2014

But, he's family!

Same song, second verse;
could get better,
but it'll probably get worse. 
Once again, ugly politics raises its ugly head.  And, once again it is festering in Montana's Grand Old Party.
The Republican Conservatives are waging war with the Moderates and the blows are coming with more panache - and more often. It has really become a spectator sport and the sidelines are ten-deep with raucous fans who seem oblivious to what they are doing to the GOP as a whole.
If you are looking for the names of candidates most involved  in this melee, you'll have to buy a score card. Republicans of all stripes are insisting that THEY represent the true GOP and the rest are insurgents, separatists, and all-around bad guy Democrats in elephant clothing.
This battle raged on throughout Montana's previous Legislative Session and it appears - based, of course, on Primary Elections - that it will simply pick up where it left off.
In the meantime, Democrats - you remember those guys - are shuffling along and waiting to see whether they will meet an opponent who is a Republican Conservative or Moderate in the General Election. 
And if you were wondering, the Republicans are contemplating changing their name to "cannibals."
"Food" for thought, don't you think?

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Is this the one?

Are you sure this is the one you want to vote for in future elections? 
Is this the one who will fix what's wrong with America?  Is this the one who will put everyone back to work?  Is this the one who will raise the miserably low minimum wage for our beleaguered workers?  Is this the one who will protect women's rights?  Is this the one who will bring those jobs back to America that they sent overseas in the first place?  Is this the one who will leave Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as it now is?  Is this the one who will consider all possibilities instead of marching America into another war, seemingly without apparent forethought?  Is this the one who will show some compassion for our elderly, our children, and our less fortunate?  Is this the one who will fight to keep deep-pocketed, dark money out of politics?  Is this the one who will stop the rich from hiding their money in off-shore bank accounts?  Is this the one who will vote to make the richest of the rich pay their fair share in taxes? 
Is this the one?
My friends, not in a million years!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Very Poor Choice...

Perusing the Opinion Pages of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle for the past several weeks has been a real eye-opener for me.  They are saturated with an abundance of letters - dripping with venom - about one of Bozeman's supposedly-honored residents.
From the opening lines of these letters that have been cast in hostile and accusatory phrases, one would wonder what Rep. Steve Daines has done to deserve such repugnance.
He has been referred to as a fabricator of many truths, an assassin of his opponent's character, and an all-round bad guy.
The voting record of Daines in the U.S. House has not been a delight to Montanans, either.  He campaigned for the job from the kind-of-right side of his political ledger, but let the Tea Party folks back east show him the more desirable ways of the Far Right side of how to vote. 
To say he has been a wolf in sheep's clothing would be the understatement of the decade.  In short, his Tea Party ways that led to his vote to shut down the government, support for the disastrous Ryan Budget fiasco,  and more than fifty votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act have made him anything but what Montana wants in the U.S. Senate!
Finally, if so many of his neighbors in Bozeman are against him, why should any Montanan be for him?  You might live by the creed that no one is a hero in their own hometown, but we're talking about some obvious and serious problems with Rep. Daines!
Conclusion:  We don't need a member of this fading group known as the T.E.A. Party Express as Montana's next offering to the United States Senate.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Lower than a snake's belly button...

A bevy of things bother the heck out of me about how America elects their leaders these days, but probably the most irritating of them all is this idea that the only thing the voter needs to know is how vile and contemptible "the other guy is."  About all they have to do is grind the untruths into our brain that the opposition is a dirty, low-down, sidewinder that doesn't even deserve to live among us.  The opposition candidate is such an unreliable cretin that he should be in jail instead of on a ballot.

This style of campaigning has made the world of fact checkers quite fashionable, but that is about as far as their effort to lay out the truth goes.  The political machinery that keeps those lies flowing have no time to worry about such small matters as truth and ethics.

The future politician must come from their party and no other conclusion is acceptable. 

What about their candidate?  Why would we even raise such a question?  We voters are not to worry our little heads about such trivial matters. Their candidate is squeaky clean and pure as the fresh driven snow. They are above suspicion and we voters must consider them above reproach.   Their candidate will do just fine for America.

...but for we the people, not so much!

Friday, May 16, 2014

You'd Look Good In This...


The wife said to sell that thing
and get a bicycle before you kill somebody!

Ain't it the most beautiful thing you ever saw?
1980 MG-B
40,047 (Actual) Original Miles,
New Top, New Exhaust System,
New Tires, New Seats and Seat Belts,
Engine in Good Shape,
Body in Good Condition,
4 cyl., 4-speed
Valued at:  $8,500-$12,500
Catalog included
 showing any part on this car available in three days
from a major parts company in California
See at: 45 Treasure State Drive,
Great Falls, MT
406-952-4778 - 406-750-5671

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

She's Ba-a-a-a-a-ck!

"It's time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress"
- Monica Lewinsky
You all remember Monica Lewinsky?  Sure you do. She was the twenty-three year old lady who thought it would be a huge fifteen minutes of fame to be caught in an "inappropriate relationship" with President Clinton. 

I never did buy the sad story of a poor intern who didn't know what she was doing and led astray by the powerful president. Twenty-three year old ladies just ain't that naive.   (It was reported that she had a similar thing happen with a college professor.)  She knew Clinton was married and she knew what she was doing was wrong.  The president was even more wrong because not only was he a married president, but she was a government intern.  Thus, a hex on both of their houses.
And why are we all reminded about her today?  Because it is intended to cause a seismic catastrophe in the presidential race for 2016.  Lewinsky has decided to enter the news cycles and explain how terrible she and the president acted back then in 1995...nearly twenty years ago!

You might say she's popular GOP demand!
Her decision has nothing to do with the fact that Clinton's wife is deciding whether to run for the Oval Office herself.  Of course not.  I  mean - FOX News says it is just a normal, run-of-the-mill coinkydink.  It must be just silly bad timing for Hillary to think about running now.  You bringing up the "GOP-controlled U.S. House Witch Hunt Inquisition" on Benghazi that occurred during Secretary of State Hillary's watch. (The event that Hillary has already taken responsibility for happening.)

But there is one thing we must all keep in mind:  It wasn't as if Monica slept with Hillary!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Speaker "Benghazi" Boehner

Speaker of the House, John Boehner, is more than a little worried about retaining his job after the November Election.  Not because he believes the Democrats will take control of the House, but because he believes his own party will vote him out of office.
And, Mr. Speaker has decided this would be a good time to throw a little red meat to the Right-Wing segment of the U.S. House and serve up more Benghazi Bashing.  It will further infuriate the President and - more importantly - cast the then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an uncomfortable light as she considers a run for President.  Clinton is considered by many to beat any and all GOP candidates with one hand tied behind her.

The attack on America's Embassy in Benghazi by terrorists was cowardly and devastating.  It cost the lives of four Americans, including the Ambassador.  Experts say there was little chance we could have positioned our military in time to stop the carnage. Should there have been more military at the Embassy?  Undoubtedly, but Congress had already passed significant cuts to trim back that possibility.  (Some of the mindless cost-cutting maneuvers by the you-know-who political thinkers.)

Regardless, everyone admits we came up short on protecting the Benghazi Embassy and personnel and we've learned from it. Beyond that, we cannot bring back those lost lives, no matter how many inquisitions the House implements. But it won't stop the House GOP from gaining a few political points. 

Why haven't we had an investigation regarding why we went into Iraq?  Most Americans know it was a blunder that was hatched by the Bush/CheneyAdministration for reasons yet to be told. Bad intelligence should not have been used as an excuse, since it was vigorously reported how good intelligence was simply ignored.  That little mistake cost thousands of lives.  Still no House Investigations.

When a House GOP Inquisition sounds like politics, and walks like politics, and smells like can darn well guarantee it is politics!

Take heed, voters.


Friday, May 2, 2014

Who knows what evil lurks...

According to some news pundits, Florida's Past-Governor, Jeb Bush, is considering a run for President in 2016. 
For those of you who enjoy keeping a tally on which of his family members approve of his entrance into the race, the following information is interesting: 
Barbara Bush says there have been enough of the Bush family members in the White House. (I might add that she offered those pearls of wisdom after George W. Bush's reign.) 
George H. W. Bush said he hopes Jeb will run.  Period.
George W. Bush said he has not talked to Jeb about it, (really?) but if and when the subject comes up, he would encourage him to run.
Is Barbara the only one with good sense in this family?
I'm convinced that the only thing Jeb has left to decide is this: How much damage did "Dubya" do to the country and to the family's reputation?
And for the answer to that, Jeb...I would suggest you do what all good sons are supposed to do:  "Go ask your mother!"

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Einstein would be so proud of us...

Do you remember when we were all kids and struggling to understand the magical (and mean) world of math?
I was not a good student of the subject, and probably because I fought it tooth and nail.  I think I also fought most of the subjects that were put in front of me, but that is another story.
Anyway, I do distinctly remember the equations that gave us answers explaining which number is greater than another number.  For example, 54 used to be greater than 42.  We all remember that, don't we?
Fifty-four was greater than 42, until it became a political cipher to solve.  Then, we found that 54 is not necessarily greater than 42.
The point of this is beyond even my political comprehension.
Yesterday, the United States Senate had a vote on whether to raise the minimum wage to $10.10.  First, the easy part to understand is that all but one Republican voted against it.  Every Democrat in the Senate voted in favor of it. 
The vote was 54 FOR and 42 AGAINST.  In political jargon, that means the bill FAILED.  So why were we taught erroneous information in our elementary school math classes?   Or, why did we let our politicians change the way we add and subtract in Washington D.C.?  Of course, we know it has something to do with political maneuvering, but don't we, as voters, decide those things?
Paraphrasing an old saying, "By our (politicians), we'll be taught" probably should be mentioned here.
So, why not let them re-write our math books?  They've re-worked about everything else that we were taught!