Monday, October 6, 2014

HATE is a four-letter word...

Hate:  to regard with extreme dislike and hostility. i.e. abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe.
Someone once told me that you can't love or hate something that can't love or hate you back.  If politics is a thing, I'm not sure that is true.  I know a lot of haters of politics out there. And, there are a lot of haters of "the other guy's view on politics," too.
The word "hate" is being thrown around often and with great admonition during this political election cycle. Actually, it raised its ugly head even before the candidates entered the fracas.  Political hate can mostly be laid at the feet of we, the people.
As near as I can tell, hate has pervaded the American masses with nary a bit of assistance from most politicians.  Some, of course, have "fired up their base" with asinine remarks, but for the most part - thank you very much -  we can conjure up hateful behavior all by ourselves.  We can hate with the best of 'em, and most of the time without using much of our grey matter.
It shows a very unattractive side of us that somehow gets overlooked in the final analysis of "fight the good fight and congratulate the winners."  I think we prefer to believe in "fight the anything-to-win fight and annihilate the other guy if we lose." 
It is offensive to hate the other guy's right to believe something he has accepted as true.  To personally hate the other guy because of his opinion is even more offensive.   
Even though I sometimes get heavy-handed in my opinion about the politician or political party that I think is absolutely wrong for my country, I will always concede to their ideas should they win the race.  After all, they won by an acceptance of a majority of Americans.  (The planned outcome of their ideas, however, can be another matter.)
We all reserve the right to be haters of the deed, but we should never be haters of the doer. 
Hate is such an ugly word.