Wednesday, November 19, 2014

His Two-Percent Kingdom...

Will Mitt Romney return to the fight in 2016?  Will he win any of those 47%ers that he once gave up on as GOP's lost souls who will vote Democrat, no matter what?  Will he be able to accept the fact that America is made up of 98%ers, too?
Romney is interjecting himself into politics of the day on a more regular basis, and he is doing so in a rather undignified manner when it comes to criticism of the president.
As we gather around our tables next week to count our blessings and give thanks for what we have, we are constantly reminded via the great wasteland of television's talking heads that we just don't know what's good for us.  The 2%ers just can't get their heads around why the 98%ers are so distrusting of them.
Donkeys have good memories.  Romney - and his questionable record on how not to make money - is exactly why he is not the guy we need in the Oval Office.  And that goes for any other candidate who favors tax breaks for the wealthy, political offices for sale to the highest bidder, and programs for the Middle and Lower Class cut to the bone or cut out, altogether.
He certainly has more blessings to count at his Thanksgiving table, but most of them were earned on the backs of the working men and women whose jobs were sent overseas.  And to add insult to injury, he just doesn't understand why these people can't go find another job.
While it's highly unlikely, Romney's wealth-driven highbrow view of the universe could even make Ted Cruz or Rand Paul look like plausible candidates.  Or, maybe even Michelle Bachmann. 
Yes.  "Turkeys" come in all shapes and sizes...and some even come in $4,500 pinstriped, three-piece suits.

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Dynamic Duo have keys to Gotham!

The often caustic and - dare I say - sarcastic U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner is in his full bloom of glory since the November 4th election results.
He has an ally, Sen. Mitch McConnell, a twin of equally caustic sarcasm, and now Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate.
They have enough ice in their veins to freeze the white-hot heat generated in an afterburner of a F-15 fighter jet.

Before the vote counters could sit back and enjoy a cigarette and cup of coffee, our sarcastic twosome found television cameras and microphones and fired off threats to the president.  In short, President Obama hadn't better even think about using executive orders to move our country out of gridlock and on the road to further recovery.

Our dynamic duo are acting like two spoiled kids that have been given keys to a fully-stocked candy store and sole possession of America's rule book to do as they wish.

Time will tell as to how all of this turns out.

It's hard to believe that the Republicans in Congress will allow these two power-hungry politicians to turn Americans against the GOP and their own re-election chances in 2016.  There will be 20 Elephants up for re-election in the Senate, alone. It has been well documented that Americans want the House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader to show some leadership and move this country forward - not sideways or downward.  In short, they want gridlock to cease and desist!

In the meantime, everyone calm down, visit the concession stand, and enjoy the show.  These two guys are just the opening act and, for now, childishly hogging the spotlight.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Jeb...and the Elephant in the room

Amidst a herd of various Elephants in the room, we notice Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is quietly considering the path to the Oval Office in 2016.  Presently, his  interested competitors are standing to his far Right, which would mean he could face a very split Republican Party.  (That prospect will be tucked away for another day, however.) 

While his mother stated -  quite sternly, actually -  on national television a few months ago that she hoped he wouldn't run, we don't know what she is saying privately about the matter today. Her reasoning was: "There have been two Bushs in the White House and the country doesn't need anymore!"

Hearing the words of a lady I admire greatly, Barbara Bush has probably spoken for many Americans, even though Jeb is undoubtedly more qualified than his brother. 

His father, George H.W. Bush, had great qualifications but it seemed his "presidential timber" was made of the two-by-four variety.  (George W. Bush's "timber" was of the one-by-two variety and made of knotty pine.)

Jeb, however, has what it takes to be president - his "timber" is of the two-by-six or larger variety and definitely made out of solid mahogany.  But will America overlook brother "Dubya" and his disastrous terms as presidency, hold their nose, and vote for Jeb?  Will they swallow the television ads proclaiming Jeb Bush as the "All-New and Improved" Bush for tomorrow?  We'll temper our concerns, take one step at a time, and wait for his announcement.

A frightening thought just hit me, though  -  he wouldn't ask Dick Cheney to run with him......would he?

...or dust off "Rummy" Rumsfeld for more stumbling and mumbling?  or Condi Rice?  or....?

This is starting to creep me out, guys!