Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Campaign Lies of "Richy Rich"...

Thar' he blows!  The biggest gust of hot air to enter the political scene in years.  United State Senator Steve Daines (R-MT).

I hope everyone was paying attention to his campaign promises about a year ago because it's fairly evidently he wasn't.  (I know, it's hard for the guy to remember all of those big, fat lies.) 

I'll try to start a log of them in the days and weeks to come, but there is one that especially lodged in my craw:  He promised to not allow Montana's Public Lands to fall into the hands of the State.  Big Fat Lie!  One of his first votes as U.S. Senator was to do just the opposite.

The problem with his vote should terrify all Montanans.  That is, all Montanans who can't afford to become an owner of said public lands.  We all know that once these parcels are turned over to the state and off the federal expense picture, our state legislature will throw up their hands and say they can't afford to maintain them.  (We all understand how the GOP plan works:  Cut the Federal costs by sliding it to the States and letting them worry about it.)

So, billionaires will swoop in and take them off of our hands, don't you see.   Or, maybe another chance to sell a piece of America to some foreign country, don't you see.  They'll be fenced and off- limits to the rest of us, don't you see.  The richest of the rich will have their own personal wonderland as their own personal playground, don't you see.  (It's called American Capitalism, don't you see.)

Well, if you still don't'd better wake up and smell the coffee.

Daines is all about Daines...and his votes are all about his rich buddies.

This is but one of his big campaign lies.  Since it nearly takes an act of God to recall him, we can only ride it out until his next election.

Let's hope there is something left by then.


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Friday, April 24, 2015

A Leopard Can't Change His Spots

Let's take a trip down memory lane to about December 2000.  The election for United States President was tied up in  a vote recount in the State of Florida.  The Governor of Florida was none other than Jeb Bush.  The recount was between his brother, George W. Bush and Al Gore.
The recount wasn't going well for "Dubya" Bush.  The lead was getting thinner and thinner.  Something had to be done and Governor Jeb knew just what to do.  He called for an end to the recount and his Secretary of State was happy to oblige.  (She was subsequently elected to the U.S. House.)
You see, Jeb could count noses in the U.S. Supreme Court and - miracle of miracles - he decreed that the whole situation of who would be our next president should be decided by the Court.  The Conservative Judges ruled the roost by a count of five to four.  Funny how the outcome was in favor of "Dubya."
We all know what kind of a dunderhead administration he and Dick Cheney made.
Another strange thing about Jeb:  It was discovered that he had marked his registration form for voting as "Hispanic."  There was a method to that madness, but we'll just leave it at that.  Suffice it to say, Jeb is beginning to show a predictable pattern of "coloring outside of the lines."  Even devious,  you might say.  Further, he has stated that he would turn over his entire campaigning to a Political Action Committee.  That sounds a little unnerving, since it congers up mega-money from the "twilight zone." 
So...since Jeb seems to want the job of Commander-in-Chief, we need to remember what his mother said in an interview about a year ago: "America has had enough Presidents named Bush."  (My thought would be: America has had one too many Presidents named Bush, but then that's just me)  She has now changed her mind, however, and fully supports Jeb.
I am dead against how Jeb handled his brother's election and I'll always remember how he "fixed" it.  I also read that he is going to use the same folks that were involved in that election.  Does that mean Karl Rove will be the brain for another Bush? 
Well, as my dad always said, "A leopard can't change his spots."

Monday, April 20, 2015

Voters: Beware the elephants 'bunk'...

"Mind your manners, boys.  We need to navigate through
 tranquil waters until the presidential election."

The media are absolutely giddy about the purported "togetherness" in politics the past few days.
Republicans are actually talking about bringing the nominee for Attorney General to a vote one day.  After all, it's only been about six months since the president nominated her.
Minor Democrat-proposed bills look like they may even get a vote, as well. Oh Joy, Oh Rapture, Unforeseen...for now the sky is all serene.  I can almost hear the Right-Wing conversations in the Members-Only lounges as instructions are handed out: "The race for president is just around the corner and we, as Republicans, must put on our best party dress and tux and look decent for the folks!"
You get my drift, right?
Those right-wing rascals did manage to slip through a nice tax cut for the richest.  They have, however, found it very difficult to do anything for the Middle Class.  But, what are politicians for if they can't help out their friends once or twice a week?   By the way, that tax cut is going to cost the tax payers of America billions!  Oh, well, who's counting when it comes to necessities for the rich and famous?
The elephants will be tossing "peanuts" to the donkeys in the coming months.  And the media will be reporting what great and generous souls this party must harbor.  They must certainly deserve your votes for their candidate for President of the United States.
What about the past seven years you ask? 
A little "Obama Obstruction" here and there?  Jus' you never no mind. It ain't hurt nobody.  Shoooot!