Monday, March 23, 2015

"Grumpy" Growls Again...

A few months ago, I was taken to the woodshed by one of my blog readers because I stooped to name-calling one of our illustrious United States Senators.  I referred to him as a "nitwit."  To me, that seemed rather tame.
Fast forward to this morning on CNN's "State of the Union."
Senator John McCain, Senior Republican United States Senator and former candidate - nominated by his party - to the office of President of the United States, did a great deal of name calling, himself.  Today was certainly not the first time he has done so, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
He responded to a question about the trials and tribulations between President Obama and Israeli President Netanyahu. 
Ol' grumpy McCain said the president should "get over his temper tantrum" regarding Netanyahu.  He even went further to say our president is "delusional."
I submit to you the following:  Compare my egregious act of referring to the senator as a "nitwit" and a United States Senator using the word  "delusional" when referring to the President of the United States.
This personalized hatred for the president from many of the elected Republicans for purely political "firing up the base" reasoning has got to stop.  It is making us look like a third-world country that is about to suffer a coup at the hands of a Right-Wing terrorist group.
Another of my blog readers questioned me about a statement I made regarding racism in politics.  They thought I was out of my mind to even suggest it.  One wrote, "Do you really believe Republicans hate Obama because he is black?"
Well, I don't want to shock the socks off of him or her (the comment was anonymous, of course) but my answer would be, "Don't you watch any news on television or newspapers or social media?"  Wake up!  The antics of these nitwits are contagious and have brought racism to the forefront across our nation.   It's the highlight of nearly every news and talk show from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.

It's grudgingly okay with me if you want to sit in the privacy of your home and giggle with your friends about our black president, but to deny it exists in public has all of  the credibility of the good ol' boys in bygone days when they whipped their slaves six days a week and then dressed up in their fineries to go to church on Sunday!

Praise the Lord...and pass the joke book on racism.