Monday, May 4, 2015

Rent is a Cardboard Box!

Let's give our Republican friends a chance to explain why we don't need no stinkin' minimum wage increase.

Give them a pencil and piece of paper and have them show you how a single person or married couple survives on...let's say ten dollars an hour.  (You could even be generous and have them do it based on twelve dollars an hour.)

Rent, food, auto, insurance on car and health insurance, utilities, pay check withholdings (tax refund will not help until a year from now)...I'm sorry but we've already gone way over the budget based on even a twelve-dollar wage.

Is your Republican friend still writing - or have they even started?

They know it's not possible,  just like the worker knows it.

The answer, of course, is to go find a second job.  Our GOP friends won't care if you end up working more than forty hours a week to make ends meet.  As a matter of fact, we have plenty of workers trying to stay awake on three jobs.

The American Dream is the Right-Wing mantra.  It is their mystical formula for our Middle and Lower Class income problems.  With no clear answers to write down on our test question, they always revert to something like, "Anyone who works hard and perseveres will succeed.  We promise because that is the American Dream."

They just don't have an answer as to how.

Unless our government forces them to start paying a livable wage, they will never stop finding third-world countries that will pay their workers a fraction of what our workers need, all just  to turn out cheap and questionable products.  We can't find American-Made merchandise in stores any more.

The American Dream?  Most of our workers - and want-to-be workers - only have American Nightmares as they sleep in their car or a cardboard box somewhere.

GOP Carly Fiorina just announced her run for President.  She was CEO of HP.  She orchestrated a twenty-thousand-worker layoff and retired with a golden parachute worth twenty-million dollars! (Sounds like another GOP candidate named Romney, doesn't it?) 

That's the American Dream these days!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Don't Poke a Hornet's Nest...

The political party that has a rather adverse view of women's rights now has a double-barreled approach to it all.  One barrel for women in general.  One barrel for Hillary.

There are a whole passel of presidential candidates in their own party, but one has to listen closely to hear anything constructive regarding their reasons for running. They're all much too busy firing volleys at that woman, Hillary.

The irony of it all is simply breathtaking.

I would bet my next Social Security Check that even Neanderthals eventually figure out that women had some redeeming qualities and were probably at least as smart as their counterparts.

Today, wouldn't you think that we men have probably figured out the same thing?  After all, men haven't exactly been keeping political things humming like a fine-tuned clock. I would even say it's a good bet most everyone is aware women outnumber men when it's time to head to the voting booth, too.

So...knowing those tidbits of marketing, what exactly is that crazy political party thinking?

It tells me that on a scale of measuring voting and governing attributes, women are into warp drive while men are still figuring out how to drive a standard transmission with a lobbyist and banker in the back seat.

This ain't exactly corset engineering, folks.