Friday, August 15, 2014

It's time to examine the lies...

 How did America allow such a travesty of justice to go unchallenged by the national media when the George W. Bush/Dick Cheney Administration decided to invade Iraq?Did congress decide to turn their heads and ignore the mounting stack of damnable lies that were being fed to the American People? 
A lot of reasons were given by the administration and nearly as many were lies.
The reasons - in no particular order - included:  Sadaam Hussein was a bad, bad man and had to be exterminated.  (as were countless other dictators in the world.)  Sadaam had weapons of mass destruction. (mysteriously, none could be found.)  Iraq was a direct threat to the United States and we needed to eliminate that threat before they came to our shores. (even though we knew of no such threat because Al Qaeda had no real presence  in Iraq at the time.  They didn't rear their ugly head until after our invasion.)  They were trying to buy plutonium from a country in Africa to make nuclear weapons. (no such proof could be made, and when one of our CIA agents claimed that story was false, his wife - also an agent - was "outted" by the Bush Administration as a U.S. spy, in revenge for uncovering their lie. For her own safety, she had to leave the Agency. A culprit was finally charged and sentenced to federal prison for revealing the agent's name, but that was of little comfort to her since she found herself unemployed for no good reason.)
Those horrible lies that were used for the invasion of Iraq, that killed several thousand and horribly wounded nearly thirty thousand of our bravest and best - not to mention the several hundred thousand Iraqi deaths and injuries - all very mysteriously got little-to-no screaming-banner-headlines that should have brought, at the very least, congressional investigations.  (Doesn't the U.S. House investigate just about anything - including obvious witch hunts - these days?)
It is important to point out that there is no statute of limitations on this national disgrace,  should any large national media outlet want to delve deeper.  Wolfie, are you listening?  You'll always need another BREAKING NEWS segment sometime.
At present, the entire Republican Party (yes, the same bunch) are now accusing President Obama of his terrible mishandling of the Iraq crisis.  Most of them insist we need to go back in with full military "shock and awe" against ISIS and anyone else in "our" way.  Think!  This is a country in near-civil war mode, with three religious factions battling it out.  Number one:  No one can win a religious war unless genocide of one side is completed.  Number two:  America has no business sticking its nose under that camel tent.
Let's agree on one thing:  If we had not invaded Iraq in the beginning, we would not be embroiled in trying to clean up the Bush/Cheney "theatre of lies."  It might even make us wonder, "Where's Saddam when we need him?"  At least he kept the country from a civil war."  As for now, we can only hope for a safer America - like back in the "good ol' days" before Dubya and "Uncle Dick" decided to see how many billions of dollars they could round up for their government contractor friends  (like Halliburton) who benefited so greatly from this unnecessary war!

Once in a while, you can pick up rumblings of Dubya being charged as a war criminal.  Even more have included "Uncle Dick."

But who could bring themselves to go to Dallas and arrest that peaceful little guy while he's sitting at his easel - working on another masterpiece?

Monday, August 4, 2014


Former President-of-Vice Dick Cheney
and  his "Boss" President George W. Bush (in hiding)
Who ignored intelligence reports that repeated over and over that Al-Qaeda is going to launch a terrorist attack on America using hijacked airplanes?
Who lied and led us into two wars and never funded either of them?
Who then gave tax breaks to the richest people in the country while the wars raged on?
Who passed Medicare Part D at a cost of a trillion dollars a year to the American Taxpayers and didn't fund it?
Who allowed 47,000 manufacturing plants to close and cost 3 million American Workers their jobs, while paying those corporations over a trillion dollars to do so?
Who allowed Wall Street to destroy the American Economy while keeping a closed eye to all of the signals that something went wrong?
Let me give you a hint.  One of them is hiding in Dallas, Texas and dabbling in oil painting for therapeutic value,  and the other is running around the country throwing rocks at President Obama.  Of course, neither one shows any acknowledgment that Obama is the one who was left with the job of cleaning up their mess.  Quite the contrary, one of them has littered his path with nothing but criticism and calls for impeachment.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney -  along with their other "crimes" -  plowed under the Middle Class and Poor of this country, and somehow felt good about the benefits they heaped on their mega-rich friends.

It's the Republican modus operandi in its truest form, and it is starting to make every American sick to their stomach. 

And the nausea won't end until America votes out this kind of mentality in November!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

America's Biggest Embarrassment...

I'm going to try to write this blog with only one thing in mind: The American People!

We Americans have been the victims of the most outrageous, sanctimonious, self-centered, selfish, and obnoxious group of misfits every to hold office in the United States House of Representatives.  There is no question on any one's mind that it is a deliberate and calculated act to ruin the president, and take this country down with him.  They can look the television camera squarely in the eye and smile while telling the biggest whoppers we'll ever hear.

It has long been a cliché to shrug our shoulders and mutter something like "well, boys will be boys and politics will be politics."  But we are far beyond that kind of stupid.  We have entered the world where political mutiny has taken place and it appears no one under the sun is capable of righting the ship.

There is little need of me to string out a long, long list of idiotic political choices that have been made by this group.  They have been regurgitated in most newspapers and television news shows on a near-daily basis. And, what is even more disgusting is the obvious fact that they could care less about the concerns of the American People.

If these "crimes" had any semblance of merit, I might have some cause to simply credit them as "a difference of political opinions."   But these acts of sedition are for one solitary purpose:  To jerk the rug out from under the president on each issue.  Needless to say, these actions have ended in not even bringing the issues to a vote. If they could see a possible loss in the vote numbers, they simply tabled the bill.

The vote taken yesterday, August 1st, regarding the serious immigration problem we face, was taken strictly for kabuki theatre at its worst.  They knew it was a cobbled up piece of unusable and mindless disorder, but they already had their bags packed for a month-long, well-earned, vacation.

We could all see the twig of mistletoe hanging from the hem on the backside of their suit coats as they giggled their way down the steps of the Capitol.

It has become the most ornery, ineffective, and arrogant House in modern times.  This is not a fight for political one-upmanship any longer.  This is a fight to throw the needs of America out while throwing out the president.

And in case you are on the side of "them," you can take great joy in the fact that you have also decided to be on the side against America!

Friday, August 1, 2014


There are so many schools of thought about Mitt Romney that we hardly know where to begin.
A month ago, the Internet was abuzz with rumors regarding Romney's regal return to politics.  And, it is now being reported that one of the wild-and-crazy sons in the family was just kidding when he said Mitt didn't really have his heart into winning the Oval Office last time. That was shortly after his trouncing by Obama, of course.
More recently, things are beginning to point in another direction.  He is being looked at more seriously by his GOP brethren - at least by his rich GOP brethren, anyway.  The Far Right, Conservative, Tea Party brand may have yet to be heard.
We get the feeling Romney has been keeping a score card on President Obama's record  - and what it may have looked like as a Romney-Ryan record.  Certainly, the Affordable Healthcare Act would be more to our liking, since he wouldn't have had to fight the Republicans at every turn. As Governor of Massachusetts, his Healthcare Reform, that was passed into law, was used as the model for our national Affordable Healthcare Act.  It's kind of strange how Republicans were happy as little clams when health care reform was their idea.   But, other issues would have obviously leaned even further to the Right, and that would have been scary.  Romney was in favor of giving the rich even deeper tax cuts, and he thought Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid needed to be eliminated and (cough, cough) re-worked
Yet another news agency claims Mitt's running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan, has been "hiding in the weeds" in order to give a more squeaky-clean image of himself as number two when the time is ripe.  Ryan came across as a piranha attacking the Middle Class and Poor in his last outing.  Since he was not capable of playing nice, the voters took away his bucket, shovel, sand box and ball, and sent him on his way.  It scarcely needs to be mentioned that they were not exactly bouncing for joy at Mitt's 47% whispers in the back room of the rich and powerful, either.  And then there was that pesky mention of "binders full of women."

Suffice it to say, they were Batman and Robin as far as making an appearance, but they were seen as the Terrible Twosome of Evil when they outlined their plans to annihilate America's Middle Class and Poor.  The mentality of the mega-rich was then - and still is -  about as popular to the voters as passing gas in church. 

If Romney decides to run and wins his party's nomination, he will have enormous support.  The GOP will open their hearts - and wallets - to him.  (It's what the rich, old white guys do, don't you know.)

I actually think the Democrats will welcome him to the race, as well.  Oh, yes...I really think they will.