Saturday, January 24, 2015

Those "Kooky" Koch Brothers

It's utterly amazing to me that the Republican's rich and powerful still seek their wisdom and money at the feet of David and Charles Koch, billionaire owners of Koch Industries of Wichita, Kansas.  (Actually, there is probably much less of a search for wisdom and much more of a search for money.)

It is also amazing to me that they make no bones about doing it in nearly full view of the American Voters.  The Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate, Mitch McConnell, made sure the docket was cleared early last Friday so all good little Republicans could tail gate to Palm Springs, California for their audience with the "Amazing Koch Brothers."  Their only required utensils were lots of empty bags for the money, knee pads for extended kneeling at the throne, and I.O.U. promises of their votes on whatever "The Brothers" wanted.

Perhaps it would be helpful to define an oligarchy form of government, since we are talking about two men who, for some time, have been fired up and ready to trade in our democracy.

Oligarchy-style governing comes from the Greek words "few" and "to rule and command."  Thus, they want a handful of greedy, capitalistic, greedy, rich, greedy, our-way-or-the-highway, Republican credentials a must,  evil-minded, did I say greedy, good-ol'-white-boys to run our laws and our lives.

Their modus operandi is to buy a majority number of politicians to do their bidding.  Quick.  Easy. No muss, no fuss.

And like good little sheep, we will let them lead us right down the lane to the slaughter house.

I fail to understand how otherwise wise and caring Americans can be so deliriously duped by these guys!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Never-Ending Supply of Them...

Joni Ernst (R) Iowa is the new, but unimproved, "give 'em Hell" member of the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate.
She is proud of the fact she learned how to castrate hogs back on the farm and that has given her the experience necessary to "cut some fat from the hogs" in our government.  (And you thought there was no experience necessary to become a United States Senator!)
Ernst was even called on - after only given a few days to find her office and map to the Senate ladies room - to give the GOP response to the President's State of the Union Address.  (Talk about your quick study.)  Castrating hogs probably took a little longer to learn.
Her televised remarks were sing-song imperfect and gave the viewers a feeling they were being schooled by a robot.  (What you might call a "party line regurgitation" of the evils of those Liberal Socialists at the White House.)

As far as that tear-jerker story about her mother putting plastic bread bags on her feet in bad weather before sending her off to school....well, I don't buy it. You can't tell me anyone could go from "bag lady" to the U.S. Senate while wielding a castration knife and a sharp lookout for Liberal Democrats.
Wherever do Republicans find these people?
We've been exposed to Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin,  the "I am not a witch" lady, The Pizza King, the Minister-turned-politician-turned Fox News analyst, turned-presidential-candidate (again), Newt Gingrich, and a plethora of other unqualified wannabes.

Please, God...if you will guide us through this thicket of brambles and bombshells, we will promise to be better children.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Corporate Raider" of the lost art...

Let's just go on the assumption that someone in the political arena knows what they're talking about when they whisper that Former Governor Mitt "Take No Prisoners" Romney is going to stumble forward into another try at the Oval Office.

A brand-spankin' new idea has emerged, however, about how this race will be different.  He has seen the light and really understands the plight of the Middle Class and Poor of this country.  He says he is dedicated to coming up with programs to help them, too.  (Don't we already have programs to help?  Don't we just need to not let his GOP friends chop the heck out of them?)

It's important to remember this:  Is he saying he is honestly going to help those folks, or is he just saying he is going to help help himself get elected?
When Romney says he doesn't pay any attention to poll numbers, I tend to believe he is telling the truth.
One number he definitely believes in, however, are those forty-seven-percenters he will never get on his side. You know, the riff-raff that mooches off the government, don't work, thinks America owes them a living...those ingrates he talked about during a speech to a room full of very rich GOP backers last time he ran.  (Really?  47% of the American People?)

And then, in a very recent survey asking Republicans who they would likely vote for from a list of probable candidates, 39% of the Republican voters said they might vote for him.  If my math is right, that would leave 61% who might not.

It all adds up to a tidy sum of negative votes when you scratch off 47% of all voters and 61% of Republican voters!
Numbers like that could make Michelle "Crazy Lady" Bachmann look like a hands-down winner!
Or, even Sarah "don-cha-know" Palin.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Malevolent Majority...

Same song, second verse...could get better but bound to get worse!
Who said this is a "new year?"
From a political standpoint, 2015 looks a lot like every other year since Obama stepped into the Oval Office.  It's obvious the opposition party wants to keep going where they left off.  They have tried to get this black man out of office - or at the very least kill all of his programs - since he took the oath.  The GOP has tried to convince America that this president is beyond evil and will bring America to its knees.
Guess what?  America has shown improvements in nearly every category that we use to measure ourselves.
I don't need to recite chapter and verse all of the good things we have experienced, because unless you are living in a cave, you already know about them.  (Or, are you one who drinks the Kool Aid of the GOP and denies all truths put in front of you?)
The Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare," to you Kool Aid drinkers) has been on the chopping block of the GOP since its inception.  Now that they are in charge of both the U.S. House and Senate, their saliva glands are working overtime to give it the heave-ho!
That's but one reason why 2015 is not only going to be a repeat of 2014, but it will undoubtedly get even worse. While the GOP speaks compromise in front of the television cameras, they do so with "forked tongues."  In the dark of night they practice the art of witchcraft, pentagrams painted of the caucus room floor, warlocks, blood-curdling chants, and malevolent oaths.
Taking away health insurance coverage to millions of Americans is unimportant to these demons who have been looking for revenge these long, last seven years.
It's their last chance to finally discredit this president of color...once and for all!


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It was only a few minutes of your time...

Of the approximately 66% of you in Montana who are registered voters but decided to stay home last November, let me tell you all of the "good" things you can expect this year.

When you elected Steve Daines (R) to be your next U.S. Senator, you were told in so many ways, by so many of us, that he would work hard to kill SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, AND THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (Obamacare).

Well, guess what bill came out of the hopper  the very first day?

Dismantle Social Security!

And I just know you have an idea how Daines is going to vote on this one. 

I sure hope you are storing up lots of retirement money, because Social Security won't be so secure much longer.  Already, there are millions of people who are being kept alive because of Social Security.  We, who went to the voting booths,  tried to help you, but we just didn't have enough votes.

Hope to see you in 2016.