Friday, September 25, 2015

He Got Tired of Herding Cats...

Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has announced his resignation as both Speaker and Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.  To be clear, he did not retired.  He quit.
It appears that those Republicans who still have a moderate bone in their bodies and an ounce of grey matter in their skull will understand that Boehner simply got tired of "herding cats."
There is a horde of Ultra-Conservative Cats in the U.S. House that are cheering wildly since the announcement; caring less about the United States Congress as a whole and more about their own narrow, selfish views of how their pointy-headed little world should be.
When another Speaker is elected - most likely a moderate like Boehner - the Ultra-Conservative Cats will continue their obnoxious and ruinous march on sanity.  Their noise and disruption will continue and their actions will be the caustic vitriol that could ultimately bring down the entire Republican Party - which seems devoid of any concern by the horde.
Speaker Boehner has been known for wearing his emotions on his sleeve, and at least to most, that is a welcoming characteristic for any politician. That type of politician, unfortunately, is as hard to find as hen's teeth. 
Comparatively, these Ultra-Conservative Cats wear knives up their sleeves and blood in their eyes.  And, in the U.S. House, they are much easier to find.
What God (and most of the voters)  joined together,
let no horde put asunder.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Carly, the Corporate Capitalist...

Carly Fiorina is a Republican Candidate for the Office of President of the United States. 
She has spent most of her adult life in the corporate world, much of it as CEO of Hewlett-Packard, where she cut more than 20,000 jobs and, reportedly,  was eventually fired for poor performance.
Fiorina's vision is hazy beyond the Profit and Loss Statements of a company.  She appears to be only slightly aware of the working peasants outside the corporate gates and but a fleeting memory of  them standing on the dock as she sails away in the corporate yacht.  She finds issues such as minimum wage and labor unions rather boring and unnecessary.

As a presidential candidate, however, she can grit her teeth,  hold her nose, and speak of the Middle Class almost as if they are real members of the human race and not simply grunt workers necessary to produce company profits.  (In all honesty, this noticeable discomfort was seen on the faces of nearly all of the candidates on the debate stage.)

The word "hypocrite" comes to mind in so many answers that Ms. Fiorina and her debate cronies projected to the cameras. The words "liar" and "disingenuous" were abundantly clear to describe Fiorina and several other candidates on stage.  Such key words were often uttered to tug at the hearts - and votes - of Republicans, such as:  Evangelical, Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Gay Marriages, Obamacare, Iran Deal, and Hillary's email and Benghazi scandals.  Extra credit was given to any candidate who could use all of those words in one sentence. 

I'm sorry, but I would have to pass on this candidate as a presidential nominee.  She gives the appearance of being rather caustic to anyone who may disagree with her, and is too defensive about being the "woman in the room."  It is a character flaw which would give her trouble when dealing with congressional and world leaders.

Finally, I see Fiorina as a capitalist who can tell you all about the "art of the deal," but can't tell you diddly squat about how badly the Middle Class Americans are hurting...or what to do about it.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Enough is Enough...

There is no way on God's green earth that this man will ever become our president!
Have you honestly sat down with the American political scene clearly in front of you and tried to understand what's going on, not from your partisan perspective, but from the nation's perspective? 
If you have, you are a rare bird, indeed.  Most of us only see what we chose to see through our own ideological eyes.
There is no one (except maybe the candidate himself) who thinks Donald Trump has the presidential posture, stance, image, behavior, or acumen to hold the most powerful office on earth.  Can you see Trump in high-level discussions with a world leader and they suddenly disagree with him?  Can you understand the fear of his management style - not just from foreign countries - but from THIS country?  
The followers of Donald Trump are "mad as Hell" and they are jumping on "The Donald's" band wagon to show us all just how mad they are.  Trump is obviously leading in the polls, but only because of he and his follower's insane mockery of our political system, our government, our immigration laws, our health care laws, our minority rights laws, our social programs, and on and on.
Trump is the leader of the new-and-viciously-altered Tea Party nitwits.  He is riding on the coattails of anyone who has a beef with our country - and our president of color.  It has become a popular sport for these folks to stomp on our country's greatness and try to replace it with their own selfish wants and demands.    
So, why is America's television media giving him the run of their programming schedule?  It's almost embarrassing how the other GOP Presidential Candidates have to scream bloody murder in order to get a five-second sound bite on the evening news. 
And a final question:  When are the American People going to tell Trump and the media that enough is enough.
That's not asking too much, is it?

Friday, August 14, 2015

Jeb "Me Too!" Bush

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL) is the odds-on favorite to be the GOP Nominee for President of the United States.  (source:  George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush, George W. Bush, Laura Bush, and various other family members.)
Jeb doesn't seem a fitting name for an American President, so I have decided to change his first name to "Me Too!".  It will give him stature.  It will give him a proper standing in his lineage regarding the Bush Dynasty.  The Texas Clan of Bush must survive and prosper...and rule.

And, a proper dynasty needs a proper sequence.

We have weathered the George H.W. Bush presidency (one term only), the George W. Bush (two terms, unfortunately; one elected by the Conservative Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, and one by the mistakes of the confused, frightened and war-weary voters.) 

Unlike getting hand-me-downs as a child, Me Too! is hoping for voters that will see him as new and different.  Perhaps no one will remember his brother's Iraq Prevarication and the Greatly Premature Mission Accomplished snafu.  Yeah, maybe they won't remember.

It's hard to live down the skeletons in the family closet when the media and the other presidential candidates keep opening the closet door.  He surely knew all of that was going to come tumbling out as soon as he threw his Stetson into the ring.  (Maybe these candidates are on to something.  Maybe they really do think we are as dumb as we show ourselves to be.)

Me Too! has an uphill challenge and a downhill approach to the Oval Office.  He should have entered the race with a more forceful and honest answer to the Iraq War conundrum that is on everyone's mind.  However, when first asked, he said he would have done the same as brother Dubya.  Five days later, he reversed and said the war was a mistake.  A few days later, Me Too! shook the old fortune teller's ball again and came up with a new recipe for an answer.

Me Too! is a confused and conflicted Bush clansman.

Maybe it's time to call the dynasty a day and move on.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Bernie the Bold

Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) is running for President of the United States.  Since he announced, he has been saying things that virtually every American wants to hear - with the exception of the big money, anti-government, war hawks.

Bernie calls a spade a gosh-darn shovel!

He believes - and boldly states - that this country's Middle and Lower Class is disintegrating because the political leaders of America are funneling all advantages to the rich at the expense of everyone else.

The wealthy want your retail buying dollars, your taxes, your votes, your workers to go home while they send their jobs overseas,  and your sons and daughters armed and ready when they concoct the next war to fund their pals in the military contracting business.   They have given the term 'war hawks' a whole new definition.  The Iraq 'War' proved that they can always find a reason to invade someone...even if they have to tell a few lies.

The New Hampshire  polls today show he has overtaken Hillary Clinton.  While most Democrats would be happy as little clams if either one became the Party's Nominee, Clinton has been labeled 'heir apparent' by the Party Leaders.  In national polls, either one could handily defeat any of the Republican Candidates.

Clinton does have some baggage involving big-time business leaders who have donated heavily to her campaign.  This flies in the face of what Sanders touts as his basic brand, but don't expect to hear much about that from him.  He has been running a pretty straight-forward campaign that is about Bernie and not about Hillary.

Sanders accepts donations only from 'the people' and depends on no PAC or other big money outlets.  It adds to his claim that as president he will not find himself beholding to anyone.   Adding to his mystique, crowd attendance at his gatherings is becoming huge. 

Maybe Clinton is not yet afraid...but I think Bernie woke her up and she has the coffee on now.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Call it the "Schumer Shuffle"...


Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the heir-apparent to Sen. Harry Reid's post as Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate, has possibly traded good sense for his re-election money pit by stating he will vote against the Iran Deal.  His reasoning is vague and unimpressive:  "We don't have enough facts yet."  Meaning: "I've read it and my Israeli friends don't like it."

What?  You are surprised one of our senators would trade his vote for some easy cash that could guarantee keeping him in office?  Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, the citizens of Israel,  and the Jewish contingency in New York have all made their wishes well known:  This deal must not pass!  We all remember the "GOP arranged trip" Netanyahu made to our U.S. House to convince our mugwumps not to allow this deal of the president to pass. It was as if Israel had become a voting member of our Legislature.  Israel is certainly one of our most admired allies, but when has America not defended them to the fullest?  When have we not sent billions of dollars to their aid and comfort? 

It's sad, but true.  No political party holds a patent on voting against the will of the people and for his or her own needs.  The Iran Deal may be one of the most important decisions our current congressional mugwumps will face.  Bluntly, some will tell us that it's simply a matter of peace or war.  

But, alas...I guess it's not as important as filling up Senator Schumer's coffer with donations for his next election. 

Sorry, folks, there is nothing more important than that! 

Not even war, evidently.


Monday, August 10, 2015

I love money and firing workers...Sound familiar?

Carly Fiorina is a Republican Candidate for President of the United States.

She has never been elected to an office, but has decided that she's ready and might as well start with a small office - like the Oval one.

Fiorina is sixty years old and Republican from Austin, Texas.  (yeah, I know...another one of those.)  Her greatest triumph was achieving the office of CEO of Hewlett-Packard and lopping off about 20,000 jobs.  She was ultimately fired as CEO in a contentious fight with the HP Board.  Up until that point, she had all the makings of another Mitt Romney.  Greed and a penchant for getting rid of the riffraff became her calling card. 

Republicans around the country are looking at Fiorina and saying "my kind of hatchet lady."  She will do our bidding with gusto!

A businesswoman through and through, tough, gritty, not afraid to eliminate American jobs - aside from laying off 20,000 HP jobs, she sent many more overseas - she is just what makes the big money fat cats in the GOP drool on their lobster bibs.

The question for today is:  Are we going to continue down this road of  bending toward the fat cats and away from the rest of us, or are we going to start bending toward the Middle and Lower Class and get this country back on the right path?

Not once during the Republican Debate last week did we hear anything about help for the working class, shoring up Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, helping young people get an affordable college education, more regulations of our banking, cleaner air and water, better health care needs for women, and bringing jobs back to America!

Fiorina will be just more of the same old, same old Republican Brand.

I think we have enough rich old white guys laying around.  We don't need a rich old white gal in the Oval Office continuing their gluttony of greed!

Keep paying attention, voters. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Ten little, nine little, eight little wannabes...

If there are any doubts left about why our voters are so turned off and slow to turn out for elections, maybe the majority of those ten Republican Presidential Candidates would give us a clue.
The Grand Old Party has made a complete mockery of the process of choosing a person to attain the leadership role of the once-considered most revered  office on the planet.  They have finally achieved a moment in history which will rival the circus clowns entrance into center ring of the greatest show on earth.
Never mind how we Americans must endure this travesty of decorum - think what the rest of the world must be viewing with amusement and amazement at what once was the epitome of democracy.  Long forgotten as a democracy, however, we have traded that "equality of man" stuff for a warped version of "capitalism supreme." 

Oligarchy - a government in which a small group (millionaires, billionaires, and assorted power-hungry megalomaniacs)  exercises control for corrupt and selfish purposes.  This seems to be  the current brand of politics in America.

Any of these ten band of misfits would be happy as little clams if they actually climbed into the Oval Office, but mostly they are probably just ginning up their speaking fees for the future.  In past years, some have gone on to demand - and get - fees to entertain a large group for hundreds of thousands of dollars. (That boggles the mind, but it also questions just what the nitwit that hired them was thinking. Are we really that thirsty for what a politician actually thinks?)

Recently, George W. Bush - out of the goodness of his little heart - reduced his speaking fee from $175,000 to $100,000 for a group of disabled veterans.  (That should make Ripley's Believe It Or Not!)

Looking for advice?  Well, you could wrap up everything you see and hear from our tainted politicians and hold your nose while voting November 2016.

Or, you could stand up and say,  "America once meant much more than this. Dammit, I'm mad as Hell and I'm going to do something about it. 

And then do something!


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

This Graham is Crackers!

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has decided to "whup up" on the leading Democrat contender for President, Hillary Clinton, by dredging past sins of said contender's husband.  That's taking the long way around the muckraking manure pile, but what the heck, he thinks it's worth a shot.

After all, each of these GOP candidates have decided they need to come up with one really outrageous thing to say about someone each day before breakfast.
"Mr. Crackers" began his presidential bid by recalling a name from the past - Monica Lewinsky - who was the poor, lost, innocent, twenty-four-year-old waif who was involved with that mean President Bill Clinton.  Reportedly, Lewinsky's past only involved an affair with a married college professor or two, but when she had a chance to reign in the President of the United States, she knew she had hit the big time. (Presidents should have the sense to say "no" to such invitations, but evidently this one didn't.)
And somehow, according to Graham, that should put Hillary Clinton in deep trouble and worth nary a vote.
It's evident that each of the seventeen Republican Candidates for President are hitching their chances to the most offensive and most absurd statements they can conjure up for ridiculous shock value.  (Is there any wonder this group of gadflies resemble a cartoon version of an overloaded clown car?)
If you, the voters, are begging for the 2016 Nominee for the GOP to be over and done with, I have advice for you:  Just bide your time, keep watching your favorite television shows, do some quilting, watch some football, play with the grandkids, contemplate fuzzies in your belly button... and ignore politics. 
Then, on election day 2016, vote for the Democrat Nominee.
It'll save you a lot of anguish. 


Monday, August 3, 2015

America always comes first...

I was recently told - in no uncertain terms - that Barack Obama is the worst President in his lifetime.
Of course, there were no reasons given for that outrageous grouping of words.  Just his simple statement would have to suffice - to convince me,because he is - of course - the voice of American wisdom. It's as though his simple admonishment of the president should have instantly made me run down to the RNC and sign up as a card-carrying 'publican and lifetime enemy of a man named Barack Obama.
Do I believe many Republicans are racist bigots because we have a president of color?
Do I believe they are actually aware of the accomplishments Obama has made?
Do I believe they will every admit they know what a mess their president left us in, and without any help from their political party, Obama still got America back on the right road? 
Of course not!
Today's American Republican Party has set this nation back about 150 years in the racial hatred department.  The Civil Rights act of the mid-sixties has, in many ways, disappeared.  A case in point:  Voter suppression of minorities is running rampant throughout the southern states. 
It is easy to be a racist in America today, because as long as you don't actually admit it and can keep a good poker face, you can claim to be as innocent as a new baby.  It becomes a game to many, but the game is dismantling this country stone-by-stone, and that is what I would called bigoted selfishness!   They have a greater need for their own party winning, even to the detriment of their own country losing.  
Get the hate out of politics.  Get the revenge out of your heart because a man of color beat your last two presidential candidates.  Instead, get a nominee who will speak for America instead of just for your political party.
Get a clue about what you are doing to America!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

We are in the Age of Rage...

In 1864, President Lincoln said that as a new nation, we were conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men were created equal.

Ever since we elected a man of color as our president, we have had to endure the wrath of the righteous, racist right-wingers who have continually stirred the pot of discontent. Their efforts were greatly magnified when President Obama won a second term of office.

Those who considered it their sworn duty to whip their ilk into a gnarling, gnashing horde of miscreants became empowered with rhetorical phrases that bordered on racism, while not actually stating it in so many words. They also became judge and jury over anyone who may lack the credentials of a 'True Christian.'

Confederate Flags began to emerge as a sign of their newly-found Civil War drums of years gone by.  Old dreams - or nightmares - of the transgressors 'good old days of slaves' reared their ugly heads.  Hot heads in various Southern States are demanding they secede from a nation that 'allows' itself be ruled by an administration of color and  ungodly faith.  South Carolina alone has at least 19 hate groups.  More than 12 are racial hatred, specifically.

Too many folks haven't read -  or have chosen to forget -  the words 'united we stand and divided we fall.'

We are witnessing a very ugly and very dangerous plague in America today and it can only be stopped when the perpetrators are willing to stop it.  They have built the blueprint for this frenzy of hate and now is the time for them to own up to it, because there will always be weaker minds and attention-grabbing devotees who are more than happy to do the devil's bidding.

The question of the moment, however, is how many more innocent people must be injured or killed before all of this ends?


Monday, May 4, 2015

Rent is a Cardboard Box!

Let's give our Republican friends a chance to explain why we don't need no stinkin' minimum wage increase.

Give them a pencil and piece of paper and have them show you how a single person or married couple survives on...let's say ten dollars an hour.  (You could even be generous and have them do it based on twelve dollars an hour.)

Rent, food, auto, insurance on car and health insurance, utilities, pay check withholdings (tax refund will not help until a year from now)...I'm sorry but we've already gone way over the budget based on even a twelve-dollar wage.

Is your Republican friend still writing - or have they even started?

They know it's not possible,  just like the worker knows it.

The answer, of course, is to go find a second job.  Our GOP friends won't care if you end up working more than forty hours a week to make ends meet.  As a matter of fact, we have plenty of workers trying to stay awake on three jobs.

The American Dream is the Right-Wing mantra.  It is their mystical formula for our Middle and Lower Class income problems.  With no clear answers to write down on our test question, they always revert to something like, "Anyone who works hard and perseveres will succeed.  We promise because that is the American Dream."

They just don't have an answer as to how.

Unless our government forces them to start paying a livable wage, they will never stop finding third-world countries that will pay their workers a fraction of what our workers need, all just  to turn out cheap and questionable products.  We can't find American-Made merchandise in stores any more.

The American Dream?  Most of our workers - and want-to-be workers - only have American Nightmares as they sleep in their car or a cardboard box somewhere.

GOP Carly Fiorina just announced her run for President.  She was CEO of HP.  She orchestrated a twenty-thousand-worker layoff and retired with a golden parachute worth twenty-million dollars! (Sounds like another GOP candidate named Romney, doesn't it?) 

That's the American Dream these days!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Don't Poke a Hornet's Nest...

The political party that has a rather adverse view of women's rights now has a double-barreled approach to it all.  One barrel for women in general.  One barrel for Hillary.

There are a whole passel of presidential candidates in their own party, but one has to listen closely to hear anything constructive regarding their reasons for running. They're all much too busy firing volleys at that woman, Hillary.

The irony of it all is simply breathtaking.

I would bet my next Social Security Check that even Neanderthals eventually figure out that women had some redeeming qualities and were probably at least as smart as their counterparts.

Today, wouldn't you think that we men have probably figured out the same thing?  After all, men haven't exactly been keeping political things humming like a fine-tuned clock. I would even say it's a good bet most everyone is aware women outnumber men when it's time to head to the voting booth, too.

So...knowing those tidbits of marketing, what exactly is that crazy political party thinking?

It tells me that on a scale of measuring voting and governing attributes, women are into warp drive while men are still figuring out how to drive a standard transmission with a lobbyist and banker in the back seat.

This ain't exactly corset engineering, folks.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Campaign Lies of "Richy Rich"...

Thar' he blows!  The biggest gust of hot air to enter the political scene in years.  United State Senator Steve Daines (R-MT).

I hope everyone was paying attention to his campaign promises about a year ago because it's fairly evidently he wasn't.  (I know, it's hard for the guy to remember all of those big, fat lies.) 

I'll try to start a log of them in the days and weeks to come, but there is one that especially lodged in my craw:  He promised to not allow Montana's Public Lands to fall into the hands of the State.  Big Fat Lie!  One of his first votes as U.S. Senator was to do just the opposite.

The problem with his vote should terrify all Montanans.  That is, all Montanans who can't afford to become an owner of said public lands.  We all know that once these parcels are turned over to the state and off the federal expense picture, our state legislature will throw up their hands and say they can't afford to maintain them.  (We all understand how the GOP plan works:  Cut the Federal costs by sliding it to the States and letting them worry about it.)

So, billionaires will swoop in and take them off of our hands, don't you see.   Or, maybe another chance to sell a piece of America to some foreign country, don't you see.  They'll be fenced and off- limits to the rest of us, don't you see.  The richest of the rich will have their own personal wonderland as their own personal playground, don't you see.  (It's called American Capitalism, don't you see.)

Well, if you still don't'd better wake up and smell the coffee.

Daines is all about Daines...and his votes are all about his rich buddies.

This is but one of his big campaign lies.  Since it nearly takes an act of God to recall him, we can only ride it out until his next election.

Let's hope there is something left by then.


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Friday, April 24, 2015

A Leopard Can't Change His Spots

Let's take a trip down memory lane to about December 2000.  The election for United States President was tied up in  a vote recount in the State of Florida.  The Governor of Florida was none other than Jeb Bush.  The recount was between his brother, George W. Bush and Al Gore.
The recount wasn't going well for "Dubya" Bush.  The lead was getting thinner and thinner.  Something had to be done and Governor Jeb knew just what to do.  He called for an end to the recount and his Secretary of State was happy to oblige.  (She was subsequently elected to the U.S. House.)
You see, Jeb could count noses in the U.S. Supreme Court and - miracle of miracles - he decreed that the whole situation of who would be our next president should be decided by the Court.  The Conservative Judges ruled the roost by a count of five to four.  Funny how the outcome was in favor of "Dubya."
We all know what kind of a dunderhead administration he and Dick Cheney made.
Another strange thing about Jeb:  It was discovered that he had marked his registration form for voting as "Hispanic."  There was a method to that madness, but we'll just leave it at that.  Suffice it to say, Jeb is beginning to show a predictable pattern of "coloring outside of the lines."  Even devious,  you might say.  Further, he has stated that he would turn over his entire campaigning to a Political Action Committee.  That sounds a little unnerving, since it congers up mega-money from the "twilight zone." 
So...since Jeb seems to want the job of Commander-in-Chief, we need to remember what his mother said in an interview about a year ago: "America has had enough Presidents named Bush."  (My thought would be: America has had one too many Presidents named Bush, but then that's just me)  She has now changed her mind, however, and fully supports Jeb.
I am dead against how Jeb handled his brother's election and I'll always remember how he "fixed" it.  I also read that he is going to use the same folks that were involved in that election.  Does that mean Karl Rove will be the brain for another Bush? 
Well, as my dad always said, "A leopard can't change his spots."

Monday, April 20, 2015

Voters: Beware the elephants 'bunk'...

"Mind your manners, boys.  We need to navigate through
 tranquil waters until the presidential election."

The media are absolutely giddy about the purported "togetherness" in politics the past few days.
Republicans are actually talking about bringing the nominee for Attorney General to a vote one day.  After all, it's only been about six months since the president nominated her.
Minor Democrat-proposed bills look like they may even get a vote, as well. Oh Joy, Oh Rapture, Unforeseen...for now the sky is all serene.  I can almost hear the Right-Wing conversations in the Members-Only lounges as instructions are handed out: "The race for president is just around the corner and we, as Republicans, must put on our best party dress and tux and look decent for the folks!"
You get my drift, right?
Those right-wing rascals did manage to slip through a nice tax cut for the richest.  They have, however, found it very difficult to do anything for the Middle Class.  But, what are politicians for if they can't help out their friends once or twice a week?   By the way, that tax cut is going to cost the tax payers of America billions!  Oh, well, who's counting when it comes to necessities for the rich and famous?
The elephants will be tossing "peanuts" to the donkeys in the coming months.  And the media will be reporting what great and generous souls this party must harbor.  They must certainly deserve your votes for their candidate for President of the United States.
What about the past seven years you ask? 
A little "Obama Obstruction" here and there?  Jus' you never no mind. It ain't hurt nobody.  Shoooot!

Monday, March 23, 2015

"Grumpy" Growls Again...

A few months ago, I was taken to the woodshed by one of my blog readers because I stooped to name-calling one of our illustrious United States Senators.  I referred to him as a "nitwit."  To me, that seemed rather tame.
Fast forward to this morning on CNN's "State of the Union."
Senator John McCain, Senior Republican United States Senator and former candidate - nominated by his party - to the office of President of the United States, did a great deal of name calling, himself.  Today was certainly not the first time he has done so, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
He responded to a question about the trials and tribulations between President Obama and Israeli President Netanyahu. 
Ol' grumpy McCain said the president should "get over his temper tantrum" regarding Netanyahu.  He even went further to say our president is "delusional."
I submit to you the following:  Compare my egregious act of referring to the senator as a "nitwit" and a United States Senator using the word  "delusional" when referring to the President of the United States.
This personalized hatred for the president from many of the elected Republicans for purely political "firing up the base" reasoning has got to stop.  It is making us look like a third-world country that is about to suffer a coup at the hands of a Right-Wing terrorist group.
Another of my blog readers questioned me about a statement I made regarding racism in politics.  They thought I was out of my mind to even suggest it.  One wrote, "Do you really believe Republicans hate Obama because he is black?"
Well, I don't want to shock the socks off of him or her (the comment was anonymous, of course) but my answer would be, "Don't you watch any news on television or newspapers or social media?"  Wake up!  The antics of these nitwits are contagious and have brought racism to the forefront across our nation.   It's the highlight of nearly every news and talk show from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.

It's grudgingly okay with me if you want to sit in the privacy of your home and giggle with your friends about our black president, but to deny it exists in public has all of  the credibility of the good ol' boys in bygone days when they whipped their slaves six days a week and then dressed up in their fineries to go to church on Sunday!

Praise the Lord...and pass the joke book on racism.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Tales from the Twisted Trunks...

Is there anything new and nasty under the sun that leaders of the Republican Party have yet to say about President Obama?

Perhaps there is a better question to ask:  Are they saying these ridiculous things to bring the president to his knees, or are they doing it - in some wishful and cravenness way - to elevate their own image?

Whichever the case, they are failing miserably.

The hapless Rudy Giuliani reached a new low for himself and his GOP Party yesterday when he told a group that he believes the president doesn't even like America.  Of course, you have to understand that the group he sermonized this pearl of wisdom to was some very heavy hitters for the GOP who are looking for a presidential candidate to hitch their wagon to in 2016.  Further, since Giuliani is not a candidate (yet) for any office, he can say what he wishes with little retribution...and the GOP leadership can sit back and chuckle...also with little retribution.  (It's called "politics," you understand.)

That said, the current U.S. House of Representatives has given America the most do-nothing, hateful agenda on record.  But this did, however, give them ample time to cast more than fifty separate votes in failed attempts to overturn the favorite nemesis, "Obamacare."

Add to those failed political maneuvers, they also held countless committee "witch hunts" to discredit the president - all to no avail.

In more recent times, an unbelievable tactic by the Speaker of the House has reared its ugly head:  When all else fails, we'll just have to sue him!  

All of these things have shown a success probability like that of a mosquito crawling up the hind leg of an hippo with rape on its mind.

But, Giuliani...well, he comes closest to taking the prize for the biggest boob of them all! 

And who cares, you ask?

Voters do.

Voters are beginning to care about how a political party acts when waging a political campaign. 


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Those "Kooky" Koch Brothers

It's utterly amazing to me that the Republican's rich and powerful still seek their wisdom and money at the feet of David and Charles Koch, billionaire owners of Koch Industries of Wichita, Kansas.  (Actually, there is probably much less of a search for wisdom and much more of a search for money.)

It is also amazing to me that they make no bones about doing it in nearly full view of the American Voters.  The Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate, Mitch McConnell, made sure the docket was cleared early last Friday so all good little Republicans could tail gate to Palm Springs, California for their audience with the "Amazing Koch Brothers."  Their only required utensils were lots of empty bags for the money, knee pads for extended kneeling at the throne, and I.O.U. promises of their votes on whatever "The Brothers" wanted.

Perhaps it would be helpful to define an oligarchy form of government, since we are talking about two men who, for some time, have been fired up and ready to trade in our democracy.

Oligarchy-style governing comes from the Greek words "few" and "to rule and command."  Thus, they want a handful of greedy, capitalistic, greedy, rich, greedy, our-way-or-the-highway, Republican credentials a must,  evil-minded, did I say greedy, good-ol'-white-boys to run our laws and our lives.

Their modus operandi is to buy a majority number of politicians to do their bidding.  Quick.  Easy. No muss, no fuss.

And like good little sheep, we will let them lead us right down the lane to the slaughter house.

I fail to understand how otherwise wise and caring Americans can be so deliriously duped by these guys!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Never-Ending Supply of Them...

Joni Ernst (R) Iowa is the new, but unimproved, "give 'em Hell" member of the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate.
She is proud of the fact she learned how to castrate hogs back on the farm and that has given her the experience necessary to "cut some fat from the hogs" in our government.  (And you thought there was no experience necessary to become a United States Senator!)
Ernst was even called on - after only given a few days to find her office and map to the Senate ladies room - to give the GOP response to the President's State of the Union Address.  (Talk about your quick study.)  Castrating hogs probably took a little longer to learn.
Her televised remarks were sing-song imperfect and gave the viewers a feeling they were being schooled by a robot.  (What you might call a "party line regurgitation" of the evils of those Liberal Socialists at the White House.)

As far as that tear-jerker story about her mother putting plastic bread bags on her feet in bad weather before sending her off to school....well, I don't buy it. You can't tell me anyone could go from "bag lady" to the U.S. Senate while wielding a castration knife and a sharp lookout for Liberal Democrats.
Wherever do Republicans find these people?
We've been exposed to Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin,  the "I am not a witch" lady, The Pizza King, the Minister-turned-politician-turned Fox News analyst, turned-presidential-candidate (again), Newt Gingrich, and a plethora of other unqualified wannabes.

Please, God...if you will guide us through this thicket of brambles and bombshells, we will promise to be better children.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Corporate Raider" of the lost art...

Let's just go on the assumption that someone in the political arena knows what they're talking about when they whisper that Former Governor Mitt "Take No Prisoners" Romney is going to stumble forward into another try at the Oval Office.

A brand-spankin' new idea has emerged, however, about how this race will be different.  He has seen the light and really understands the plight of the Middle Class and Poor of this country.  He says he is dedicated to coming up with programs to help them, too.  (Don't we already have programs to help?  Don't we just need to not let his GOP friends chop the heck out of them?)

It's important to remember this:  Is he saying he is honestly going to help those folks, or is he just saying he is going to help help himself get elected?
When Romney says he doesn't pay any attention to poll numbers, I tend to believe he is telling the truth.
One number he definitely believes in, however, are those forty-seven-percenters he will never get on his side. You know, the riff-raff that mooches off the government, don't work, thinks America owes them a living...those ingrates he talked about during a speech to a room full of very rich GOP backers last time he ran.  (Really?  47% of the American People?)

And then, in a very recent survey asking Republicans who they would likely vote for from a list of probable candidates, 39% of the Republican voters said they might vote for him.  If my math is right, that would leave 61% who might not.

It all adds up to a tidy sum of negative votes when you scratch off 47% of all voters and 61% of Republican voters!
Numbers like that could make Michelle "Crazy Lady" Bachmann look like a hands-down winner!
Or, even Sarah "don-cha-know" Palin.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Malevolent Majority...

Same song, second verse...could get better but bound to get worse!
Who said this is a "new year?"
From a political standpoint, 2015 looks a lot like every other year since Obama stepped into the Oval Office.  It's obvious the opposition party wants to keep going where they left off.  They have tried to get this black man out of office - or at the very least kill all of his programs - since he took the oath.  The GOP has tried to convince America that this president is beyond evil and will bring America to its knees.
Guess what?  America has shown improvements in nearly every category that we use to measure ourselves.
I don't need to recite chapter and verse all of the good things we have experienced, because unless you are living in a cave, you already know about them.  (Or, are you one who drinks the Kool Aid of the GOP and denies all truths put in front of you?)
The Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare," to you Kool Aid drinkers) has been on the chopping block of the GOP since its inception.  Now that they are in charge of both the U.S. House and Senate, their saliva glands are working overtime to give it the heave-ho!
That's but one reason why 2015 is not only going to be a repeat of 2014, but it will undoubtedly get even worse. While the GOP speaks compromise in front of the television cameras, they do so with "forked tongues."  In the dark of night they practice the art of witchcraft, pentagrams painted of the caucus room floor, warlocks, blood-curdling chants, and malevolent oaths.
Taking away health insurance coverage to millions of Americans is unimportant to these demons who have been looking for revenge these long, last seven years.
It's their last chance to finally discredit this president of color...once and for all!


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It was only a few minutes of your time...

Of the approximately 66% of you in Montana who are registered voters but decided to stay home last November, let me tell you all of the "good" things you can expect this year.

When you elected Steve Daines (R) to be your next U.S. Senator, you were told in so many ways, by so many of us, that he would work hard to kill SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, AND THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (Obamacare).

Well, guess what bill came out of the hopper  the very first day?

Dismantle Social Security!

And I just know you have an idea how Daines is going to vote on this one. 

I sure hope you are storing up lots of retirement money, because Social Security won't be so secure much longer.  Already, there are millions of people who are being kept alive because of Social Security.  We, who went to the voting booths,  tried to help you, but we just didn't have enough votes.

Hope to see you in 2016.