Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Enough is Enough...

There is no way on God's green earth that this man will ever become our president!
Have you honestly sat down with the American political scene clearly in front of you and tried to understand what's going on, not from your partisan perspective, but from the nation's perspective? 
If you have, you are a rare bird, indeed.  Most of us only see what we chose to see through our own ideological eyes.
There is no one (except maybe the candidate himself) who thinks Donald Trump has the presidential posture, stance, image, behavior, or acumen to hold the most powerful office on earth.  Can you see Trump in high-level discussions with a world leader and they suddenly disagree with him?  Can you understand the fear of his management style - not just from foreign countries - but from THIS country?  
The followers of Donald Trump are "mad as Hell" and they are jumping on "The Donald's" band wagon to show us all just how mad they are.  Trump is obviously leading in the polls, but only because of he and his follower's insane mockery of our political system, our government, our immigration laws, our health care laws, our minority rights laws, our social programs, and on and on.
Trump is the leader of the new-and-viciously-altered Tea Party nitwits.  He is riding on the coattails of anyone who has a beef with our country - and our president of color.  It has become a popular sport for these folks to stomp on our country's greatness and try to replace it with their own selfish wants and demands.    
So, why is America's television media giving him the run of their programming schedule?  It's almost embarrassing how the other GOP Presidential Candidates have to scream bloody murder in order to get a five-second sound bite on the evening news. 
And a final question:  When are the American People going to tell Trump and the media that enough is enough.
That's not asking too much, is it?

Friday, August 14, 2015

Jeb "Me Too!" Bush

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL) is the odds-on favorite to be the GOP Nominee for President of the United States.  (source:  George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush, George W. Bush, Laura Bush, and various other family members.)
Jeb doesn't seem a fitting name for an American President, so I have decided to change his first name to "Me Too!".  It will give him stature.  It will give him a proper standing in his lineage regarding the Bush Dynasty.  The Texas Clan of Bush must survive and prosper...and rule.

And, a proper dynasty needs a proper sequence.

We have weathered the George H.W. Bush presidency (one term only), the George W. Bush (two terms, unfortunately; one elected by the Conservative Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, and one by the mistakes of the confused, frightened and war-weary voters.) 

Unlike getting hand-me-downs as a child, Me Too! is hoping for voters that will see him as new and different.  Perhaps no one will remember his brother's Iraq Prevarication and the Greatly Premature Mission Accomplished snafu.  Yeah, maybe they won't remember.

It's hard to live down the skeletons in the family closet when the media and the other presidential candidates keep opening the closet door.  He surely knew all of that was going to come tumbling out as soon as he threw his Stetson into the ring.  (Maybe these candidates are on to something.  Maybe they really do think we are as dumb as we show ourselves to be.)

Me Too! has an uphill challenge and a downhill approach to the Oval Office.  He should have entered the race with a more forceful and honest answer to the Iraq War conundrum that is on everyone's mind.  However, when first asked, he said he would have done the same as brother Dubya.  Five days later, he reversed and said the war was a mistake.  A few days later, Me Too! shook the old fortune teller's ball again and came up with a new recipe for an answer.

Me Too! is a confused and conflicted Bush clansman.

Maybe it's time to call the dynasty a day and move on.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Bernie the Bold

Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) is running for President of the United States.  Since he announced, he has been saying things that virtually every American wants to hear - with the exception of the big money, anti-government, war hawks.

Bernie calls a spade a gosh-darn shovel!

He believes - and boldly states - that this country's Middle and Lower Class is disintegrating because the political leaders of America are funneling all advantages to the rich at the expense of everyone else.

The wealthy want your retail buying dollars, your taxes, your votes, your workers to go home while they send their jobs overseas,  and your sons and daughters armed and ready when they concoct the next war to fund their pals in the military contracting business.   They have given the term 'war hawks' a whole new definition.  The Iraq 'War' proved that they can always find a reason to invade someone...even if they have to tell a few lies.

The New Hampshire  polls today show he has overtaken Hillary Clinton.  While most Democrats would be happy as little clams if either one became the Party's Nominee, Clinton has been labeled 'heir apparent' by the Party Leaders.  In national polls, either one could handily defeat any of the Republican Candidates.

Clinton does have some baggage involving big-time business leaders who have donated heavily to her campaign.  This flies in the face of what Sanders touts as his basic brand, but don't expect to hear much about that from him.  He has been running a pretty straight-forward campaign that is about Bernie and not about Hillary.

Sanders accepts donations only from 'the people' and depends on no PAC or other big money outlets.  It adds to his claim that as president he will not find himself beholding to anyone.   Adding to his mystique, crowd attendance at his gatherings is becoming huge. 

Maybe Clinton is not yet afraid...but I think Bernie woke her up and she has the coffee on now.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Call it the "Schumer Shuffle"...


Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the heir-apparent to Sen. Harry Reid's post as Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate, has possibly traded good sense for his re-election money pit by stating he will vote against the Iran Deal.  His reasoning is vague and unimpressive:  "We don't have enough facts yet."  Meaning: "I've read it and my Israeli friends don't like it."

What?  You are surprised one of our senators would trade his vote for some easy cash that could guarantee keeping him in office?  Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, the citizens of Israel,  and the Jewish contingency in New York have all made their wishes well known:  This deal must not pass!  We all remember the "GOP arranged trip" Netanyahu made to our U.S. House to convince our mugwumps not to allow this deal of the president to pass. It was as if Israel had become a voting member of our Legislature.  Israel is certainly one of our most admired allies, but when has America not defended them to the fullest?  When have we not sent billions of dollars to their aid and comfort? 

It's sad, but true.  No political party holds a patent on voting against the will of the people and for his or her own needs.  The Iran Deal may be one of the most important decisions our current congressional mugwumps will face.  Bluntly, some will tell us that it's simply a matter of peace or war.  

But, alas...I guess it's not as important as filling up Senator Schumer's coffer with donations for his next election. 

Sorry, folks, there is nothing more important than that! 

Not even war, evidently.


Monday, August 10, 2015

I love money and firing workers...Sound familiar?

Carly Fiorina is a Republican Candidate for President of the United States.

She has never been elected to an office, but has decided that she's ready and might as well start with a small office - like the Oval one.

Fiorina is sixty years old and Republican from Austin, Texas.  (yeah, I know...another one of those.)  Her greatest triumph was achieving the office of CEO of Hewlett-Packard and lopping off about 20,000 jobs.  She was ultimately fired as CEO in a contentious fight with the HP Board.  Up until that point, she had all the makings of another Mitt Romney.  Greed and a penchant for getting rid of the riffraff became her calling card. 

Republicans around the country are looking at Fiorina and saying "my kind of hatchet lady."  She will do our bidding with gusto!

A businesswoman through and through, tough, gritty, not afraid to eliminate American jobs - aside from laying off 20,000 HP jobs, she sent many more overseas - she is just what makes the big money fat cats in the GOP drool on their lobster bibs.

The question for today is:  Are we going to continue down this road of  bending toward the fat cats and away from the rest of us, or are we going to start bending toward the Middle and Lower Class and get this country back on the right path?

Not once during the Republican Debate last week did we hear anything about help for the working class, shoring up Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, helping young people get an affordable college education, more regulations of our banking, cleaner air and water, better health care needs for women, and bringing jobs back to America!

Fiorina will be just more of the same old, same old Republican Brand.

I think we have enough rich old white guys laying around.  We don't need a rich old white gal in the Oval Office continuing their gluttony of greed!

Keep paying attention, voters. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Ten little, nine little, eight little wannabes...

If there are any doubts left about why our voters are so turned off and slow to turn out for elections, maybe the majority of those ten Republican Presidential Candidates would give us a clue.
The Grand Old Party has made a complete mockery of the process of choosing a person to attain the leadership role of the once-considered most revered  office on the planet.  They have finally achieved a moment in history which will rival the circus clowns entrance into center ring of the greatest show on earth.
Never mind how we Americans must endure this travesty of decorum - think what the rest of the world must be viewing with amusement and amazement at what once was the epitome of democracy.  Long forgotten as a democracy, however, we have traded that "equality of man" stuff for a warped version of "capitalism supreme." 

Oligarchy - a government in which a small group (millionaires, billionaires, and assorted power-hungry megalomaniacs)  exercises control for corrupt and selfish purposes.  This seems to be  the current brand of politics in America.

Any of these ten band of misfits would be happy as little clams if they actually climbed into the Oval Office, but mostly they are probably just ginning up their speaking fees for the future.  In past years, some have gone on to demand - and get - fees to entertain a large group for hundreds of thousands of dollars. (That boggles the mind, but it also questions just what the nitwit that hired them was thinking. Are we really that thirsty for what a politician actually thinks?)

Recently, George W. Bush - out of the goodness of his little heart - reduced his speaking fee from $175,000 to $100,000 for a group of disabled veterans.  (That should make Ripley's Believe It Or Not!)

Looking for advice?  Well, you could wrap up everything you see and hear from our tainted politicians and hold your nose while voting November 2016.

Or, you could stand up and say,  "America once meant much more than this. Dammit, I'm mad as Hell and I'm going to do something about it. 

And then do something!


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

This Graham is Crackers!

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has decided to "whup up" on the leading Democrat contender for President, Hillary Clinton, by dredging past sins of said contender's husband.  That's taking the long way around the muckraking manure pile, but what the heck, he thinks it's worth a shot.

After all, each of these GOP candidates have decided they need to come up with one really outrageous thing to say about someone each day before breakfast.
"Mr. Crackers" began his presidential bid by recalling a name from the past - Monica Lewinsky - who was the poor, lost, innocent, twenty-four-year-old waif who was involved with that mean President Bill Clinton.  Reportedly, Lewinsky's past only involved an affair with a married college professor or two, but when she had a chance to reign in the President of the United States, she knew she had hit the big time. (Presidents should have the sense to say "no" to such invitations, but evidently this one didn't.)
And somehow, according to Graham, that should put Hillary Clinton in deep trouble and worth nary a vote.
It's evident that each of the seventeen Republican Candidates for President are hitching their chances to the most offensive and most absurd statements they can conjure up for ridiculous shock value.  (Is there any wonder this group of gadflies resemble a cartoon version of an overloaded clown car?)
If you, the voters, are begging for the 2016 Nominee for the GOP to be over and done with, I have advice for you:  Just bide your time, keep watching your favorite television shows, do some quilting, watch some football, play with the grandkids, contemplate fuzzies in your belly button... and ignore politics. 
Then, on election day 2016, vote for the Democrat Nominee.
It'll save you a lot of anguish. 


Monday, August 3, 2015

America always comes first...

I was recently told - in no uncertain terms - that Barack Obama is the worst President in his lifetime.
Of course, there were no reasons given for that outrageous grouping of words.  Just his simple statement would have to suffice - to convince me,because he is - of course - the voice of American wisdom. It's as though his simple admonishment of the president should have instantly made me run down to the RNC and sign up as a card-carrying 'publican and lifetime enemy of a man named Barack Obama.
Do I believe many Republicans are racist bigots because we have a president of color?
Do I believe they are actually aware of the accomplishments Obama has made?
Do I believe they will every admit they know what a mess their president left us in, and without any help from their political party, Obama still got America back on the right road? 
Of course not!
Today's American Republican Party has set this nation back about 150 years in the racial hatred department.  The Civil Rights act of the mid-sixties has, in many ways, disappeared.  A case in point:  Voter suppression of minorities is running rampant throughout the southern states. 
It is easy to be a racist in America today, because as long as you don't actually admit it and can keep a good poker face, you can claim to be as innocent as a new baby.  It becomes a game to many, but the game is dismantling this country stone-by-stone, and that is what I would called bigoted selfishness!   They have a greater need for their own party winning, even to the detriment of their own country losing.  
Get the hate out of politics.  Get the revenge out of your heart because a man of color beat your last two presidential candidates.  Instead, get a nominee who will speak for America instead of just for your political party.
Get a clue about what you are doing to America!