Friday, September 26, 2014

Madam President...

Senator Elizabeth Warren told a recent gathering of women, "If you don't have a seat at the table, you are probably on the menu."
 That pretty well sums up the problem.
 It ranks right up there with Mitt Romney's response to where the women in the GOP can be found:  "Women?  We've got binders full of names!"
Last week, Hillary Clinton called on women around the country to come together and build a force to be reckoned with in American Politics.  Women have been taking a back seat far too long and they now have a chance to elect our nation's first woman president.
Clinton and Warren are but two who have the qualifications to do the job.  Others in the U.S. House, Senate, and state offices across the country are fully qualified to achieve the title of Madam President.   We began as a fledgling nation that only allowed white males to vote, but we moved forward - grudgingly - by allowing blacks, Hispanics, and women, the right to enter the ballot boxes.  As the old adage proclaims:  "We learns, but we learns slow."
America elected - and re-elected - a man of color to the highest office in the land and it hasn't been without its detractors, to be sure, but it has been done! 
Demographics show that for the first time ever, women now outnumber men in America's workforce.  They are taking steps to attain the dreams that only a short time ago would never have been considered.  There is still a great deal of reluctance from certain quarters, but if the women of America have the will and the ability to unite, they will certainly find the way.
Today, Americans across the country anxiously await the words, "Madam President." 

We have been subjected to more than our share of male "presidential" nincompoops for 225 years. 

What else do we have to fear?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

She Is Woman...Hear Her Roar!

Okay,  just a minute...any second now...she's almost ready...she's facing the cameras..she's getting close to sayin'...
"I'm thinkin' about it!"
I guess that's about as close as we're going to get to an answer today.  I thought this might be the time.  She was gussied up in her favorite turquoise pant suit and devil-may-care hair style.  She was waiting for her medium-rare steak with baked potato, corn-on-the-cob, and greens soaked in bacon grease to be served.  Everything looked on schedule for the big announcement.
But ne'er a word from her lips could be heard.  Except, of course,  "Where is that medium-rare I ordered?"
Such is life when you march through the ranks as a successful attorney, a First Lady, a United States Senator, and finally a Secretary of State.  You can call your own shots.  You can pick your own time.  You don't need to waste your time on a time-wasting Democratic Primary.  You just wait for the Republicans to put somebody in front of you...
...and then you whip his butt in the General Election.
You are Hillary Clinton...your are are invincible...
...hear her roar,  "Where the Hell is that medium-rare steak!"

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Three Blogs To Help You Vote...

If you're looking for something to read, check out these blogs by John Watson.  He is a cartoonist and writer of current political happenings in Montana and around the country. Or, if you are looking for non-partisan issues, he has those too.
The blog addresses are:
(Politics happening around America)
(Politics happening in Montana)
(Non-Partisan happenings)

"Ol' Grumpy" Rides Again...

Grump ol' Senator John McCain leaned forward on his desk at the U.S. Senate's Witch Hunters Ball and gave that incredibly condescending stare at Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, before attacking the two men like they had just been stripped of their Tenderfoot Badges during the Boy Scouts Jamboree.
McCain is excellent at playing to the media and the too-few-in-number GOP base that actually voted for him during his run for the Oval Office.  He has been like a bear with a sore tail ever since losing that race.  (Actually, I believe the number one reason for his defeat can be laid squarely at the feet of the dummies working for him that got no further into vetting Sarah Palin than noticing her good looks.) 
Be that as it may, Ol' Grumpy has been taking it out on Obama, his administration, the Democrats, his personal valet, the maid, the media, and any one who appears before the Senate Witch Hunters Ball and Inquisition chambers.
He reminds me of one of those funny little varmints in the "Gremlins" movies that can cut someone to shreds with a smile on his face.  That look, alone, can tell you all you want to know about the Grump. 
So, let's lift our glass to Ol' Grumpy!  May he pass into history -  after a long retirement - with an asterisk and a footnote.
*There, in all of his crowning glory, did Ol' Grumpy ignore the pleads of the GOP to scratch the choice of Sarah, the Simple! 


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Landing in a pile of money and influence...

Let's just stick to the facts as we know them.
Former U.S. House Majority Party Leader, Eric Cantor, has had a really tough time landing on his feet since being voted out of office by his Virginia District.

The House junkyard dog was to be no more.

But don't be too sad for Eric.  He now has a job to go to each morning.  He will be Vice-President of the Investment Firm of Moelis & Company.  And, yes...that's a Wall Street address.

The President of Moelis said he did not hire a "figure head of influence,"  he hired a "partner." 


It is reported that Cantor will be make more than $3 million.  Put another way, he will be using his past political "influence" to get a paycheck equal to 26 times the average household earnings of his old stomping grounds in Virginia.

Many of these former congressional peddlers of special interest go on to big and influential companies of soaring greed and power...often with Wall Street addresses.  It, also, seems to make little difference from which political party they call home. Producing results for the firm trumps political party affiliation every time.

Winning political races is but a stepping stone to the real power and money.

...But a ruthless, strong-armed, vote-bullying  tenure in the House is nothing to sneeze at, either!  A guy has to do his power-producing, money-grubbing internship somewhere, doesn't he?

Monday, September 1, 2014

Don't get me started...

I have had to turn a blind eye to some pretty disgusting things as I circle overhead.  President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney pulled all of us through the mud of two wars - one completely unnecessary - and the other with little chance of winning.  If that wasn't enough, they essentially served up America on a silver platter to the rich and mega-rich, to the detriment of the Middle Class.

These two prevaricators of the truth were "elected" by one vote in the U.S. Supreme Court after Bush's brother, Governor of Florida, and his state campaign manager, Florida's Secretary of State, stopped the recount of voting. They obviously knew the American people would figure all of this out, but that matters little to someone bent on "stealing" a presidential election.  With all of their faults, being able to count votes in the high court was not one of them.

That administration was ill-conceived from the beginning and quickly went down hill, thereafter.  It will undoubtedly go down in history as the biggest political catastrophe of our time.

In order to find some retribution from the contentious battles the Democrats  raged against the ill-gotten "winners," the Republican supporters of Bush and Cheney have been relentless in their efforts to bring the Obama Administration to its knees. Cheney has kept the chattering criticism of every step Obama has taken.  They used their time-honored reasoning that it is not how good our candidate is, but rather how bad can we make your candidate look.

It's always about the NEXT election!

Well, the next election is nearly upon us.  We've seen nearly eight years of complete congressional gridlock by the ghosts of the Bush/Cheney bad ol' days.  Two terms of the Obama Administration have seen the Republicans put their own Political Party ahead of everything else...including the American People!

I'm going to keep circling up here until someone comes to their senses.  But I can't circle forever.

I told you, don't get me started.