Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Screamin' Meanies...

There is clearly an abundance of "screamin' demons" on television and radio, and we are much less the civilized people because of them.
You become painfully aware of the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ted Nugent, Ann Coulter, Howard Stern, Glenn Beck...the list, unfortunately, goes on and on.  It is also interesting to point out that these loonies all came from the same spawning waters.  To blame the water or the union that spawned them, however, would not be at all fair.
No, their unnatural existence is a result of discombobulated, angry, and condescending grey matter that comes into bloom on the barren landscape of the brain-dead deserts we call right field.
Their goals are different from yours and mine.  We still possess great love of our country and all that it offers.  We still see it with the great passion that those immigrants saw when they entered through Ellis Island many years ago. These "shock jocks" of today live only to step down hard on those of us who still believe that a rising tide should lift all ships.  Their preference, however, is that the moat around the kingdom of the rich be filled with alligators that have a special fondness for "peasants under glass." 
Our "screamin' demons," only see about two inches beyond their noses.  They will accept America as being passable only if America will accept them as the final word on all things they deem important.  They have no time - and no room - for the minorities, the unwashed, the..... Liberals!  And, they will fill the airwaves with enough venom to shock a drunken sailor. There is no such thing as diplomacy in their vocabulary, and there is not an ounce of understanding the word discrimination, either.
Such are the men and women of the menacing microphones and terrible television cameras. They will make you aware of their presence with the shock therapy sound bites that  they hope will inflame the far-right base and keep them moving toward the ballot boxes in November. Their names all seem to eventually run together and their messages drip with the same venom day after day.
But remember this...there is a vaccination for their venom.  It's found in the ballot box. Take it out and use it in November. This venom will certainly revisit each of us every election cycle, so each time you head to the polls you'll always need a fresh dose of gumption!

It's the only antidote for the screamin' meanies I know exists.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A New, and Unimproved, America...

The above illustration depicts one of America's Southern States and, ironically, the type font I am using is called Georgia.  I added the ball and chain because that's how my pointed little mind works.  "Way down yonder in the land of cotton, bad times there ain't soon forgotten..."

Last week, an announcer in a Virginia stadium asked the crowd to rise and sing the National Anthem.  Nearly everyone sang "Dixie."

Another Southern State offers bumper stickers that read:  "Monica Lewinski's X-Boyfriend's Wife For President."  It is being reported that the Virginia GOP denies they have anything to do with it.

When a Louisiana GOP Candidate was asked, during an interview, what proof she had that "global cooling" was happening, she could not cite one single report that gave her that notion. When she became uncomfortable with that question, the interview quickly changed to another question.  She was asked what proof she had that President Obama was not born in America.  Her two aides quickly got her out of the chair and out of sight.

We have all heard hundreds of similar cases of deceit and lies from GOP Candidates trying to inflame their "Bubba Base." Of course, it doesn't take much to accomplish that.  It's the thing to do down South, don't you know.

And, we are constantly reminded that these things they do are within their rights.  It's ironic that the government they have so little use for is the very government that gave them those rights. Flying the Confederate Flag above the America Flag used to be a no-no, but not any more.  It gives them a chance to say something derogatory about America without actually saying they are racists and bigots.  It gives them stature in the Republican Party that has heretofore been frowned upon as taboo.

It's a new brand of politics out there - to the detriment of our country.  It erodes the vision of  the "shining city on the hill" that one of their most revered leaders once addressed.  Whether they are even aware of their seditious undertakings, they must be aware that it is eroding the image of their own Party.

Why on Earth would we want to be seen by foreign countries - that once held us in such high esteem - as such a divisive,  ugly people?

But then, bigots and racists don't seem to "pay it no mind" when it comes to divisive and ugly, do they?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A win by any means is NOT a win...

Most of us will agree that the Grand Old Party is showing signs of stagnation and just plain trying to row upstream in the sometimes-turbulent mainstream of America.
Many elephants understand the problem, but many more of the "Pachyderms of the Far Right" movement seem to ignore the woes and are determined to throttle-up full speed ahead.  It appears to observers that their aim is to commandeer the Grand Old Party at any cost - even to the demise of themselves, if necessary.

Those beloved and recognizable features of the GOP still exist, however. You will find ugly campaign shenanigans, baseless lies and deceptions, dump truck loads of dark money from mega-rich corporations, suspicious CPACs intent on buying elections, and - last but not least - discrimination of women, people of color, and the unwashed of America.  You might say there is more than enough to love.

Their blight on America, however, has snookered voters into handing over some undeserved wins. These include: a stranglehold on the American Justice System, a successful take-0ver by Tea Party radicals of the House of Representatives, and a constant vote of "no," or - worse yet - a refusal to bring anything to a vote at all.  And, they fully intend to grab the U.S. Senate by the throat as their next prey. 

All of that foisted on Americans by a gaggle of scoundrels who shouldn't even be in the running.  What's wrong, America?  There are more of you than there are of them.  Get up on your hind legs and get to the polls this November.  Don't let them win by intimidation, discrimination, and victimization. 

When the Grand Old Party  wins by any means,  it is allowing America to lose by default.


Monday, July 28, 2014

It's my law and I'm stickin' to it!

The Republican Party of today keep insinuating that if only those Liberal Democrats would follow the men who authored the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, everything would be so much better.
In other words, if every American kept a good supply of fully-automatic assault weapons, hand grenades, bazookas, shoulder-held stinger missiles, and sundry weapons LIKE OUR FOREFATHERS DID...we'd be a better horde of nitwit nincompoops today!
Just like the authors of our historical papers of bygone days, others have continued the rights of all Americans to enjoy the art of  musket shooting, (open or concealed, of course) but we have, somehow, strangely translated all of that slow - and sometimes inaccurate - firepower into what is available today.
There is little doubt that our forefathers intended to enact a law that would encourage  every home to have a musket at the ready, in case of an assault by red coats and those lesser-known scoundrels commonly labeled as the closet version of today's marauding idiots known as Liberals.
Can we turn away from the right to possess unimaginable fire power that these distinguished and learned men wished us to have?  These were men of immense intelligence in knowing what was best for America. And, silly us, we believe their laws should live in perpetuity.
One of these great men even had the all-consuming wisdom to tie a metal key to the tail of a kite and then proceeded to fly it into a violent thunder and lightning storm.
He probably was even packing a concealed blunderbuss at the time.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

If nothing else, salvage your humor...

Those darn rich folks really do have our best interests at heart.  They have been trying to tell us that all we'd have to do is give them more tax cuts, let them move the jobs of  American Workers out of the country, give up our Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc., let them move their gigantic amounts of money to off-shore bank accounts to avoid paying taxes, and let them buy the politicians they want.
Then, we, the unwashed, would live in a land of milk and honey, and we would live happily ever after.  Guaranteed.
Praise to thee, Oh Trickle Down god... We have not believed in you and now we are sore afraid.  We thought the rich were only interested in becoming richer.  We thought Corporate America only wanted to become more powerful and run this country as its own playground and country club for the richest of the rich.  We thought they only wanted to push the rest of us further down into the bowels of Hell.

But because we have been so generous in surrendering unto the Trickle Down god what his heart desires most, we have become the proud recipients of his pittance of favor.  We have been given the chance to dream, to know that a bright tomorrow is within our grasp, and to finally taste the fruits from the very tables of the Trickle Down god, himself.

Now, all we need is a job, some food, and a place to live.


Friday, July 25, 2014


There is a movement in America that is holding back our means to move forward.

The sins of today's leaders foul the air of common decency and causes the decisions of future leaders  to become misconstrued.
America has been sliding down that slippery slope of "if we can sneak a little deception into our political campaigns today - and it works - we can sneak a lot more of it tomorrow."
A democracy works when all people feel they are on a level playing field and working together for the good of everyone. The excuses by many who control America's wealth and power are now deciding we aren't a democracy, but rather something else - something that will better explain their selfish and marauding ways .  We have slowly drifted into two countries:  the Haves and the Have-Nots.  I would imagine that the number of Americans who want to take from the Haves and give to the Have-Nots is quite small.  As a matter of fact, I personally have never heard a soul espouse that creed.
I have heard multitudes ask for the Haves to pay their fair share - not to the Have-Nots - but to the government.  When someone finds loopholes to circumvent paying their fair share, they are "working the system" for their own benefit and not for their country.  Some have even gone to the unpatriotic maneuvering of waving their United States Citizenship in order to avoid paying their tax obligations. How much more important do you think their love of money is, as opposed to their love of country?  And how does that lack of patriotism square with the wrong-headed ideas we are wrongly giving to our youngsters?

Many years ago, Nikita Khrushchev of the USSR, pounded his shoe on the podium and said his country did not need to destroy America with a war because America was going to destroy itself - from within!

Yeah, at the rate we're going...I think so, too.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Congressman Steve Daines (R-MT) is running for the U.S. Senate seat now held by John Walsh (D-MT).
Actually, he isn't just running for the seat...he is trying to BUY the seat.  And if that isn't grievous enough, his handlers and big money people are out to smear his opponent any way possible.
A few short days ago, members of the Montana Media slipped a small, rather ambiguous news item about how Daines was slipping in the latest polls.  It appeared Walsh was only seven percentage points behind the media-driven triumph of Daines.
Today, out of the West...came the thundering hoof beats and the hearty cry of "Hi Yo Silver" by the Great Falls Tribune's banner headline story that read: "(New York) Times: Walsh plagiarized thesis"
That headline would imply that the entire thesis was plagiarized.  As you read into the story, the actual amount was about 25%, however.  In newspaper terms, emphasis and page dominance counts!  Also, to add "Times" to the headline kind of takes the Tribune out of full blame.
The important thing that Montanans must remember here is this:  How would each of these candidates vote in the U.S. Senate, if elected?  We know that Walsh is interested in building back the Middle Class and holding on to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs.  He's shown how he would help the poor, too.
Congressman Daines....not so much.  As a mega-rich millionaire, he has already shown how he will vote.
Since these two are basically the only choices we have, I'll take a plagiarizer over a rich guy trying to buy his seat in the Senate any day of the week.
In short, I'm not as interested in what someone once wrote, as I am in what someone might do to further decimate this country with his clearly defined separation of America's "Haves" and "Have-Nots."  Daines sees two Americas and never the twain shall meet.

Monday, July 21, 2014


It's all just a matter of time - and votes - until this little pachyderm explodes into a thousand jagged pieces.
The numbers - both nationally and in Montana - are overwhelmingly against the "boys of big bucks" in every race they've entered.  Everywhere you look, you'll see how disgusted the people have become over the GOP candidates who are out to kill Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Affordable Healthcare Act... and at the same time reduce even further the tax tables for the ultra-rich. They have sewed the rhetorical killing fields of those programs into every speech, mystical formula and political incantation their pointed little heads can ponder.
The reason?  The more aid to the Middle Class and Poor they can eliminate, the less their rich supporters will have to pay in taxes.
The answer is obvious.  There are more voters in America to derail these bad ideas than you can shake a stick at.  They are everywhere.  They are in every city, every rural area, and every state.  They just have to get off their backsides and vote!  How simple can that be?  These non-voters can't say the outcome doesn't matter to them.  It matters EXPRESSLY for them!
In Montana, the Walsh-Daines U.S. Senatorial Race comes down to the same thing.
Walsh is in favor of keeping and protecting those very programs the GOP wants to annihilate.  He  wants to improve the economic situation of the Middle Class that was decimated by the George W. Bush Administration.
Daines is a mega-millionaire who is a rubber stamp for any and all GOP hatchet jobs - and maybe even a few evils they haven't even thought of yet. On top of that, he is a member of that nearly-extinct tribe known as the Tea Party Nitwits.  How much more do you need to know? lose Social Security lose Medicare lose Medicaid lose the Affordable Healthcare Act...
One thing was for were sitting at home on your butt on election day! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Stories to rile the uninformed...

We have all heard - and some of you have told - the big lies about the Affordable Healthcare Act.  There seems to be no depth the stories will not sink to in order to trash-talk their untruthful versions of what they grudgingly call "Obamacare."
Let us repeat a fair tale that has been passed on to our ears.
It seems two individual New York physicians have decided they need to close down their practices because "Obamacare" insists they must digitize their accounting the tune of $500,000 each!  We don't need to tell you their political preference, nor their exuberant help in spreading the word to politicize the repeal of the AHA.
Should those two doctors have called us, we'll bet our next six social security checks we could have digitalized their bookkeeping system for a fraction of half-a-million smackers. If that were remotely true, do you know how many hundreds of thousands of doctors would be out of business in America today?
We are also betting we'd be closer to the truth in saying those two doctors have very substantial retirement accounts to help them live in luxury, and saw the handwriting on the wall about what future patient and insurance company billing statements in their medical practices will be like due to AHA.
Of course, it also gives their favorite "Obamacare" whipping post another unfair black eye. Mark up another "atta boy" for the GOP pot stirring!
We think the lowest thing about this example of trashing the Affordable Healthcare Act is when the "Rs" refer to it as "Obamacare."  The AHA is the formal, legal name given to the health care reform law that was passed in Congress, upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court and signed into law by the President.  One other point:  It was not written by Barack Obama.  It was written by many people. 
When Republicans refer to it with such disgust in their voice as "Obamacare," it gives one the feeling it was spit out as nothing less than a racial slur. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Ugly Americans...

An over-weight, very rich Caucasian was sipping martinis and pontificating to his very rich fellow Caucasians about Barack Obama being the worst president this country has every had. They all nodded in agreement between sips of their very expensive drinks.  Their limos and chauffeurs waited patiently in the parking areas away from the beach.
BREAKING NEWS!  In recent years, Corporate America has seen an uptick in their profits unlike anything experienced before.
Meanwhile, back at the cordoned off section of the beach, behind the sign warning the riff-raff to stay in their own blighted area,  the assault on the president continued. "Obama hasn't learned his place yet," was the day's sermon, followed by boisterous rounds of agreement, clinking of drinking glasses and smoke from the most expensive cigars known to mankind.
"Obama is a Socialist!  He only worries about the out-of-work, the downtrodden, the minorities, the uninsured with health problems, the elderly and the children.  He hasn't learned to make those people fin for themselves!"
We in the corporate world had to make it on our own (with some help from our daddy's money, of course), and by laying off American Workers, moving our manufacturing to cheap foreign countries, and good old solid price gouging of the American Consumer.
The beach boys continued their bashing of the president long into the night.  The refrain could be heard to a fevered pitch about how Obama has made it impossible for a righteous corporate Romney look-alike to make a measly billion or two anymore.
Oh, the humanity of it all!  The richest of the rich might even be finding it hard to buy a decent politician these days.
Meanwhile, back at the seedy portion of the beach where the riff-raff are looking for a discarded piece of a three-day-old cheeseburger..... 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

When the Right ain't right...

According to PunditFact, every statement made by FOX News Hosts or Guests proved to be more than 50%  flat-out false.
A measly 8% could be considered completely true.
The rest had a modicum of truth to parts of the statements.
We are talking about a "News" network that prides itself on how many loyal viewers they give the absolute facts, while at the same time attempting to salvage the misguided scoundrels of the Liberal Left from Hells dustbin of evil.  Alas,  that is the process they loosely call "Fair and Balanced - We Report, You Decide."
We aren't just talking about your run-of-the-mill, muck and mire, political scandals on some seedy television network here. FOX News has some hefty rating numbers to flash in front of their advertisers. They also have some of the top on-air personalities in the television business. (If you can get around the arrogance and deceit.)
There are a lot of minds filled with mush out there in the vast wasteland of television land, and they will "wake up and  soak up" the FOX Fairy tales of Falsehood quicker than a five-year-old sponge. In computer terms, it's the epitome of garbage in - garbage out.
And you wondered what was wrong with American Politics!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

1860s...Here We Come...Again!

Since Barack Obama was elected (twice) President of these United States, we Americans don't seem to be running short of life's ugly little conundrums.
While I hate to voice this above a whisper, bigotry has become kind  of passé as far as certain political bumpkins are concerned. The once-accepted rule for qualifying a bigot was to point out the insane error of their ways and isolate them to their own manure pile.  They were shunned by all and left to their own devices as to how they would find a way back into society's good graces.  While there are certainly degrees of bigots, one would be hard pressed to find a more intolerant cretin than he or she who would refer to an African-American as a N-word. 
Today, however, many of those who use that slur feel it is their right to do so.  An 86-year-old newspaper man in New York ran an editorial page headline that read "The (N-word) in the White House."  A Republican Governor, in another example,  rationalized his use of the N-word by stating his inalienable right to speak his mind comes from our nation's basic freedoms.  If we could go back in time with that Governor -  prior to the Obama Election - I'll bet you my next five Social Security Checks he would have syrup dripping from his mouth while he campaigned for those Minority Votes. The slurs only reared their ugly heads when America actually elected one.  Back then, it was fine to pander for a minority's long as they didn't get uppity and want to run for office, themselves.
Some Republicans will agree there are a few in their party that may have a dislike for people of color, but they swear their Grand Old Party is not a racial horde.  They're jus' good ol' boys that like to have fun and celebrate they're rights.
Nor do they dislike women.  Well, maybe jus' the uppity ones that want to fight for their inalienable rights on matters that only concern the health of a woman!