Friday, September 25, 2015

He Got Tired of Herding Cats...

Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has announced his resignation as both Speaker and Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.  To be clear, he did not retired.  He quit.
It appears that those Republicans who still have a moderate bone in their bodies and an ounce of grey matter in their skull will understand that Boehner simply got tired of "herding cats."
There is a horde of Ultra-Conservative Cats in the U.S. House that are cheering wildly since the announcement; caring less about the United States Congress as a whole and more about their own narrow, selfish views of how their pointy-headed little world should be.
When another Speaker is elected - most likely a moderate like Boehner - the Ultra-Conservative Cats will continue their obnoxious and ruinous march on sanity.  Their noise and disruption will continue and their actions will be the caustic vitriol that could ultimately bring down the entire Republican Party - which seems devoid of any concern by the horde.
Speaker Boehner has been known for wearing his emotions on his sleeve, and at least to most, that is a welcoming characteristic for any politician. That type of politician, unfortunately, is as hard to find as hen's teeth. 
Comparatively, these Ultra-Conservative Cats wear knives up their sleeves and blood in their eyes.  And, in the U.S. House, they are much easier to find.
What God (and most of the voters)  joined together,
let no horde put asunder.

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