Monday, August 10, 2015

I love money and firing workers...Sound familiar?

Carly Fiorina is a Republican Candidate for President of the United States.

She has never been elected to an office, but has decided that she's ready and might as well start with a small office - like the Oval one.

Fiorina is sixty years old and Republican from Austin, Texas.  (yeah, I know...another one of those.)  Her greatest triumph was achieving the office of CEO of Hewlett-Packard and lopping off about 20,000 jobs.  She was ultimately fired as CEO in a contentious fight with the HP Board.  Up until that point, she had all the makings of another Mitt Romney.  Greed and a penchant for getting rid of the riffraff became her calling card. 

Republicans around the country are looking at Fiorina and saying "my kind of hatchet lady."  She will do our bidding with gusto!

A businesswoman through and through, tough, gritty, not afraid to eliminate American jobs - aside from laying off 20,000 HP jobs, she sent many more overseas - she is just what makes the big money fat cats in the GOP drool on their lobster bibs.

The question for today is:  Are we going to continue down this road of  bending toward the fat cats and away from the rest of us, or are we going to start bending toward the Middle and Lower Class and get this country back on the right path?

Not once during the Republican Debate last week did we hear anything about help for the working class, shoring up Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, helping young people get an affordable college education, more regulations of our banking, cleaner air and water, better health care needs for women, and bringing jobs back to America!

Fiorina will be just more of the same old, same old Republican Brand.

I think we have enough rich old white guys laying around.  We don't need a rich old white gal in the Oval Office continuing their gluttony of greed!

Keep paying attention, voters. 

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