Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Enough is Enough...

There is no way on God's green earth that this man will ever become our president!
Have you honestly sat down with the American political scene clearly in front of you and tried to understand what's going on, not from your partisan perspective, but from the nation's perspective? 
If you have, you are a rare bird, indeed.  Most of us only see what we chose to see through our own ideological eyes.
There is no one (except maybe the candidate himself) who thinks Donald Trump has the presidential posture, stance, image, behavior, or acumen to hold the most powerful office on earth.  Can you see Trump in high-level discussions with a world leader and they suddenly disagree with him?  Can you understand the fear of his management style - not just from foreign countries - but from THIS country?  
The followers of Donald Trump are "mad as Hell" and they are jumping on "The Donald's" band wagon to show us all just how mad they are.  Trump is obviously leading in the polls, but only because of he and his follower's insane mockery of our political system, our government, our immigration laws, our health care laws, our minority rights laws, our social programs, and on and on.
Trump is the leader of the new-and-viciously-altered Tea Party nitwits.  He is riding on the coattails of anyone who has a beef with our country - and our president of color.  It has become a popular sport for these folks to stomp on our country's greatness and try to replace it with their own selfish wants and demands.    
So, why is America's television media giving him the run of their programming schedule?  It's almost embarrassing how the other GOP Presidential Candidates have to scream bloody murder in order to get a five-second sound bite on the evening news. 
And a final question:  When are the American People going to tell Trump and the media that enough is enough.
That's not asking too much, is it?

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