Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Bernie the Bold

Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) is running for President of the United States.  Since he announced, he has been saying things that virtually every American wants to hear - with the exception of the big money, anti-government, war hawks.

Bernie calls a spade a gosh-darn shovel!

He believes - and boldly states - that this country's Middle and Lower Class is disintegrating because the political leaders of America are funneling all advantages to the rich at the expense of everyone else.

The wealthy want your retail buying dollars, your taxes, your votes, your workers to go home while they send their jobs overseas,  and your sons and daughters armed and ready when they concoct the next war to fund their pals in the military contracting business.   They have given the term 'war hawks' a whole new definition.  The Iraq 'War' proved that they can always find a reason to invade someone...even if they have to tell a few lies.

The New Hampshire  polls today show he has overtaken Hillary Clinton.  While most Democrats would be happy as little clams if either one became the Party's Nominee, Clinton has been labeled 'heir apparent' by the Party Leaders.  In national polls, either one could handily defeat any of the Republican Candidates.

Clinton does have some baggage involving big-time business leaders who have donated heavily to her campaign.  This flies in the face of what Sanders touts as his basic brand, but don't expect to hear much about that from him.  He has been running a pretty straight-forward campaign that is about Bernie and not about Hillary.

Sanders accepts donations only from 'the people' and depends on no PAC or other big money outlets.  It adds to his claim that as president he will not find himself beholding to anyone.   Adding to his mystique, crowd attendance at his gatherings is becoming huge. 

Maybe Clinton is not yet afraid...but I think Bernie woke her up and she has the coffee on now.


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